Arugula Boogala

Oh no way. So let’s see. This means it’ll get announced for May and slip one more time to late June or early July.

Tough tits. I won’t suddenly love addicts just because your bleeding heart wants me to. Especially when I’m being asked to pay for it.

We aren’t. Hyperbole solves nothing. Why is it so difficult to understand we aren’t all interested in taking care of drug addicts?

Your own stats say it’s a problem. Some of us don’t like supporting drug abusers. How is THAT so hard to grasp? I don’t want even 1. Not ONE. You do. And that’s fine. We can disagree. But don’t pretend it has never once happened or that 800 billion is to be scoffed at. You want to hug the world and I want deserving

The alternative being spend 800 billion on what you just called ineffective programs? Why? Just to have a victory to wave around?

I’d be fine with both. I’d pay more in taxes if we did both in fact.

Agree to disagree. I don’t want to spend money on addicts. I would pay more in taxes to cover testing to deny benefits to them. No sympathy for people that can’t get their shit together.

Wait, why is drug testing for benefits bad? I missed that one.

First of all I’m not a conservative. I’m not a libertarian or a liberal either. I’m not really anything in the political spectrum we use today. I’d be a populist if that meant what it should anymore. I support what is best for the largest number of people at any given time. I’m not opposed to what Manning’s leak did.

So you are incapable of picking up on the obvious sarcasm in my first reply? Sounds like your problem, not mine. And for future reference even if I had agreed with the OP, it still wasn’t me saying it. But you are so desperate to be the smug little liberal that you actually went back and tried to find a way to make it

Really? Go die you piece of shit. That has nothing to do with anything except to try and paint me as a bad guy for disagreeing with you. Fuck you.

To think that the law applies regardless? Yeah I guess I am. Except you meant “capable of understanding the law” instead of “thick” but I got it.

No. Because I’m not. Manning broke the law and is out because of politics. Where am I wrong?

What does that have to do with this?

Stop speaking for me, asshole. It is the letter of the law. All I ever said was Manning broke it. There is no debating that.

Oh here we go with the debate 101 memes. Toss in ad hominum while you’re at it.

“I don’t agree so they must be a troll.”

So both didn’t reveal classified information? I’m pretty sure it isn’t a false equivalency when the crime is literally the same.

Awesome rebuttal. Enjoy your glue dinner.

I assert that breaking the law is breaking the law. Period. A positive outcome does not change that. The punishment cannot change or the crime becomes moot. You are taking a stance that devalues every act of espionage and being a traitor that could ever come up as long as the explanation is ok with you.