Sure. Go live in your make believe land. I’ll stay here in reality. Bye.
Sure. Go live in your make believe land. I’ll stay here in reality. Bye.
It’s not. Both gave top secret classified information out. The result of one versus the other is irrelevant. If Manning gets a pass then Trump should as well. Or if we were interested in actually supporting the very notion of classified info we’d punish both. You don’t get to decide on a case by case basis because an…
Sure you do. This is political ends justifying the means. Since this made the way Republicans do things look bad it’s fine. But Trump telling secrets is bad. They are in no way related and clearly one makes you a hero and the other a traitor.
So that’s what this is? Christ. And people that do this wonder how Trump got elected. People that play with an electric razor head. And turn it into some fad. I give up.
It’s way beyond time to accept that the public is stupid and will nearly always make the worst decision when given a choice. This has been provable for nearly as long as man has existed.
What I want most is a coherent and interesting story. Destiny at launch was garbage in that area. It slowly got better with the expansions but it never really felt like there was a real goal. Mission goals and such sure but the overarching point was just missing. I know these quasi MMO games can’t have a definitive…
Opinions are by definition not truthful. And GW is absolutely packed with opinions and spurious sources. On any given day there are multiple posts using correlation as causation and misinforming people about a multitude of topics.
Shocking. Is water wet too?
I think both GM and FN are the latter.
I don’t read it as a suggestion at all. I hope you understand. Does that mean I’m suggesting you do or just a blank statement of what I think?
Lot of assumptions there.
I don’t see how sarcasm invalidates me making TWO points. Unless you find this place unbiased.
Except that isn’t it at all. all. Trump said he hoped he’d let it go. No command or directive and nothing in Comey’s firing shows that it had to do with not dropping it. The one everyone has run with there is Trump saying he knew the allegations were false and he had thought of that. Not that it was the…
Sorry that it irks me to see the pot smack talk the kettle.
Alternatively maybe we are making too much of it. I mean the actual wording of it to me reads as Trump stating an opinion. He hopes the whole thing goes away and Flynn doesn’t get in any deeper. That’s actually a perfectly reasonable thing to say. We’re projecting a hell of a lot of meaning with no real context. And…
So it’s ok to be racist as fuck as long as you’re talking about white people? Because you stereotype and outright spit hatred throughout this entire piece. But hey, gotta get those clicks I guess you regressive piece of shit.
Awesome contribution there, Mr. Five Year Old Meme. Appreciate it.
Does the world ever get color? Cause glowing balls and effects on a black and white world doesn’t do it for me.
Sorry but that gameplay looks awful. Slow and boring with all of 3 colors. Don’t think I’ll waste the bandwidth.
Streamers seem to have an unusually high rate of cancer, no? Feels like every other week one gets hit. Not a judgment or anything just an odd thing I notice.