Arugula Boogala

The nuance of world building has been lacking since Halo 2. Even then it jumped the giant hivemind (which at the time I thought was a big plant at first glance). Halo 3 didn’t finish any fight, Halo 4 was pretty but dragged out a neat idea until I was bored.

If people step back from their politics for a second and take a look at how we treat these situations it gets pretty scary. We will throw someone under the bus for a tweeted joke we don’t agree with but praise others that espouse politics we do agree with. There are posts that outright hail devs or gamers that trash

Ad hominum, the other goto argument on the internet.

What does color have to do with anything? For a blog that promotes equality there sure are a lot of call outs over race and gender, so long as it’s white and male.

I’m saying we don’t know. I don’t read minds. I do know PR though and what could be seen as a throwaway reference there could cause controversy here. And the easiest way to avoid that is to deny it ever happened at least intentionally.

That’s if you take a company at its word that it was unintentional. Which in my experience is almost never true. But if that’s the route you want to take, great. I choose to assume the worst. Kinda my prerogative.

Ah, hyperbole. Last bastion of someone with no argument. Care to point out where I said all slippery slopes are real?

So all the times a slippery slope actually happened is wrong because your professor (or more likely reddit) told you it was a fallacy? I bet Jews in the ghetto would have been happy to hear that in 1938.

You’re absolutely right. It’s called that because first year college students believe it never happens despite an overwhelming amount of historical proof. But hey, gotta get that A in debate 101.

That’s one hellaciously slippery slope. I’d explain but I already know you’re too dense to follow.

It’d be a lot more progressive to view things from a wider perspective than “how can I make this about me?” rather than live up to the stereotype.

Yeah. It was a very calm and peaceful war. Nobody got hurt, no largest land invasion in human history, the Germans were kind hearted and misunderstood.

I kickstarted (kicked?) I think 3 projects. DF came through with what I considered a lackluster game. Jane Jensen gave me Mobius which I was pretty happy with. And LSL Reloaded was... an accurate update which I thought I wanted so no fault to the devs there.

Maher does it, Maddow does it, pretty much all pundits on both sides do it. He can’t justifiably be singled out.

I didn’t see any sexual harassment there. Vaguely when one called you a slut but that’s playing it fairly loose.

As long as it gazes deeply into its navel less than either it might be fun.

So the story is kind of Uncharted 4 but paced different?

International Women’s Day. Not even joking.

The US flag waved over slaves far longer than the Confederate one. There were more US laws governing slavery than Confederate ones.

Bullshit. Your analogy is wrong. It’d be like a firefighter being attacked with a burning stick while helping put out a fire.