Arugula Boogala

How is this a surprise? There were blatant warnings for YEARS that the left was pushing too hard. Ordinary people don’t want a flood of refugees, they don’t want to see every job go to a minority, and they don’t feel guilty for being white. What they do have is powerful voting blocs. And repeatedly wise voices rose to

So we let them go nuclear and fuck Japan? Totally reasonable.

The entire concept of punishment goes against logic. It’s an emotional response dressed up to prevent vigilante justice. There is no logical reason to punish someone for attacking another. It doesn’t help society or provide any benefit beyond the very illogical concept of justice.

People with enough brain cells to not attack and wish worse on others just for stating an opinion? So that rules you out, clearly.

Actually that’s pretty much exactly what is said. Constant reminders that the kid is 10 and has autism. As if that’s an excuse.

Really? Come on, you can do better than that.

Nobody needs to accept that kind of behavior on the job from a goddamn child. If you find it so noble to have a kid flip out and hit you, go do it for a few weeks. This is why we have terrible teachers. People are upset because the teacher doesn’t want to be physically assaulted for a paycheck. Boy how unreasonable of

Yeah. Teachers should be hit without any recourse. That’s a great way to attract top talent.

Yep, 10 year olds should in no way be taught there are consequences to actions. Extra free pass if they have autism. We will have awesome teachers everywhere if we only hire people willing to be hit by kids.

No the fuck it isn’t. Art is subjective. Period.

Words should not be a death sentence. The hell is wrong with you?

So he should be killed? What the fuck?

No, your argument was flawed from the beginning but you’re too stuck up your own ass to see it. My point had nothing to do with pixels existing in the game and everything to do with the qualifier of pixel art as a term. Facts have no bearing on subjective definitions. I never said it didn’t have pixels. I said it

Do you even realize you are talking to yourself? I’m not debating this with you. You go on believing whatever you want to. I’m not going to be swayed by anything you say.

As someone with an MBA for the last two years I’d love to know where these jobs are that are paying so much. I make less than half that average and had to fight hard to get even that.

I refer to myself as a trillionaire. Potato tomato.

Few things bring me as much joy as far left women not having children. It’s on par with far right men hating women (and thus the same no-kid result). Because we don’t need more intolerant nutbags from either side.

Christ. There’s no getting through the Olympic level mental gymnastics of some people. Believe what you like.

Ok so every game prior to about 1996 is pixel art? That is a ludicrously wide definition.

But the original wasn’t pixel art. It was as close to a hand drawn animated look as was practical at the time.