Of course this made it to Kotaku.
Of course this made it to Kotaku.
Economists make the numbers work for whatever they’re trying to prove. You gather the data and discard what doesn’t help your goal. This is why they are so frequently wrong.
Yeah, white people can’t be discriminated against. That’s why The Root has so many white bloggers.
Remind me why it’s ok to be sexist and call him by a male body part but yet call him a sexist, eh sugartits?
Damn if only there were some law letting these people know that they can’t do this. Hmm. Shame.
Is it police brutality or white police brutality? I’d say you send mixed messages but that would require at least one blog to be about something other than how terrible white people are. Racist fuck.
Way to own the stereotype that women make everything about themselves. Not content to blog about a serious ethical problem eh? It just has to get a strong feminist regressive bent to further shake a completely ineffective fist at red states. Christ.
You must be new around here. Simple answer is they’re a bunch of bloggers with no real journalistic credentials. Sometimes they get it right and do smart, responsible pieces. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
That was easily 4 times as long as it needed to be to get your point across. Therefore I’m going to assume you are all my ex girlfriends because by the end of it I just kind of gave up following your rambling and just feel like apologizing so you’ll stop.
Critical Race Studies? I’m so glad I left California.
They detain people breaking the law. Why is that somehow worse than a cop, security guard or hell, a hall monitor?
If America had wanted to go to war with Germany in 1920 I would have bitched about it. Looked different a few years later.
So it’s bad to hit hard at a regime that gasses their own people?
That kind of writing is exactly why nobody of importance takes you seriously. You could have found a way to say all of that professionally but hey, gotta appeal to the far left somehow!
None of those were counter culture. They were the current hip thing to be part of, and today as always you can count on disaffected youth to be just as gullible and easy to sell to as anyone else.
There are about a thing thousand other things I’d rather they focus on. Some throwaway character with a poor intro is pretty par for the course in this game. Write this well and everyone else will stand out as worse.
We’re just going in circles and I’m tired of trying to explain myself to a brick that refuses to understand even the most basic point. Have a nice life.
Because businesses aren’t people. There is no right to free speech. I don’t give a damn what the Supreme Court says. If you have a platform without restriction on access then it is decisively unfair to say that content should be segregated by the whims of fringe politics.
And you think that’s a worthwhile system? Something to be defended?
So it’s good if it’s popular? That’s our metric here? Because you basically just said it was ok to not support LGBT until the tide turned socially.