
Can't be. Both are in the AFC.

You're right. That concrete box they call Arrowhead is downright nasty in the wintertime.

He has a point. Fuck you.

2013 called, you don't get a 16th minute.

Can't script October, yo.

he's Mrs. O'Leary's cow multiply personified.

The general malaise found at Wrigley has seeped down the urban cesspool that is Chicago to Soldier have a QB that looks, acts, & plays like he doesn't give a damn, fans that don't give a damn and are there for the social aspect, rather than to watch and participate in cheering (a.k.a. "being a fan").

Just wondering if it's now illegal to support policemen? Asking for a friend. kthnxbai.

The SA would be more apropos than the SS, but I get you, bro. I get you.

Did you guys happen to hear her change purse open as she put more dimes into the phone at the diner? Or was that just me?

He went to college in Quincy, Ill. Don't blame STL for his messed up logic. Anyone who ever spent a night at Larry's Tavern has a few screws loose.

Chris Fowler said it best 15 years ago:

Post-of-the-Year nominee.

You're a fucking joke.

I saw The Natives play last night at Choctaw Casino. Fucking blew the roof off the bitch.

This is so fucking stupid. Fuck you for even writing this story. #HHTR from a non-Redskins fan, simply rooting for the Redskins to fuck all of you PCunts.

No need to decoy, Roy(al)... I'll show myself to the door now.

Best. Post. Ever. +1,000,000

+100; Barry is the ultimate troll. Fuck him.

You obviously don't know Ron Coomer.