What a concept!
What a concept!
Can we hear it please?
He doesn’t deserve Fancy Kristen’s spit.
Ahh, yes. The gnawing anxiety of not being quite sure who I drunk texted or called, dreading the moment I actually muster the courage to check my phone. Unfortunately, I know this feeling all too well.
“Something is coming.”
You made me curious, so I had to google it: “The recipe from the first edition of The Classic Italian Cookbook (1973) calls for 2 lbs of tomatoes, 1/4 lb butter, one medium yellow onion, peeled and halved, salt and 1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar.”
I don’t think they all buy his bullshit. I think a lot of his supporters just love his blatant racism and xenophobia.
“In later promotions, Forbes points out, the Oprah team had learned their lesson, writing checks and giving them to audience members along with the pricey prizes in an effort to offset the sudden burden of a spiked income tax.”
“...Forbidden Fruit Wagon...”
I’ll take him over the chaotic mess we’re dealing with now.
Thanks for your input.
Yay, more status symbols for the .01%’s wank-off war. Give me more rusty Jeep articles.
How Trumpian of him.
To be fair also, I’m being pedantic. I agree, there’s no way he’s fit to be president. The overreaction to this particular moment is funny though.
Umm, if there’s no bosses, there’s no workers. See how that works?
Unfortunately a small contingent of people who want to work there seem to think they can dictate the terms of employment to their employer.
Zero connection. Pasta. That’s all I’ve got...(shudders)
“We are watching an old man suffer a life threatening episode on live television. This shit is a tragedy.”