Man the design of the Mazda 3 still looks good, and will continue to look good for another 5 years with minimal external changes. If only they would get out of their own ass and make a speed 3 already.
Man the design of the Mazda 3 still looks good, and will continue to look good for another 5 years with minimal external changes. If only they would get out of their own ass and make a speed 3 already.
I mean, the “road tax” isn’t exactly wrong. If everyone went electric like some people want then how are we going to pay for road maintenance? You could be taxed by the mile, but that’s going to be harder to track for people that might have older vehicles without just straight up slapping GPS trackers on every car,…
Don’t you see how we end up with 15-ton 200-feet long F-150? Not everything has to be made for everyone. I say, make the Miata smaller. As small as an S2 Elan. Fuck I-’m-too-tall. There are other sports cars to choose from. Stop whining.
He made it gold, dude wants to crow over the plebs. He just didn’t count on there being so many of them.
I dunno man, at this point getting the official Tesla attention machine is a pretty tacit endorsement of Musk and his attitudes. He wrapped it in gold. He clearly wants the attention, but he thought it was going to be of the positive ilk. Turns out he was wrong.
Ahhhh yes, buying one of the ugliest and most obnoxious cars, wrapping it in the most obnoxious color possible, then putting a FAT QR code on the back doesn’t make him a huge attention seeker. He’s just upset about the type of attention he’s getting lol suck it up buttercup. Actions and decisions have consequences.…
you have to watch out for assholes like this eCarOne
Trump will completely blame it on the dems if he dies in his plane crash.
I would hate it if the new and improved AF1 crashed into my house, but I would consider making the sacrifice for the good of the world. Though about half the world is unworthy of that sacrifice. Impacting Mt McKinley or the Gulf of America might be fitting.
If it’s just that one plane that both will ride in... I think we could live with it. Yes, I support musk on this one. Rush the job Boeing! Parachutes for everyone else, musk and trump will continue to believe it’s an unsinkable ship
So musk wants to control public entities and private? lol sounds a lot like a dictator ship to me.
They should definitely rush it as fast as possible. Truly it is implausible and would be an awful (TRULY awful) tragedy if they introduced a shitty Air Force One replacement too soon, and it were to crash with Trump, Musk, Marc Andreesen, Peter Thiel, the entire leads of Project 2025, and such on board*.
Collatoral personnel damange is a problem, but the thought of Trump and Musk flying together on a hastily assembled aircraft.... I mean, I see some upside potential.
I think this is a great idea! Rush Boeing through the build process and let’s see how it turns out, okay?!
Good advice, I will not waste time here, you are a boot licker.
So “actual free speech” is platforming Nazis and suspending journalists and anyone who says “cis”?
I’m not going to use my time to tell you you’re wrong. I’m going to use my time to tell you that you’re a piece of nazi sucking shit.
The notion that this exit would require MORE signage is ludicrous.