Art Vandelay Silva

I’d add that Lada to my life.

The last paragraph made me chuckle.


That’s a you problem.

“Dicks for clicks”

Why? Diversity, plain and simple. It’s a large city, but it’s also Middle America, and thanks to its plethora of colleges, it has young people from all over the world.

Only reason I come here is to hopefully prop this dumpster fire up as much as I can.

This is a ridiculously informative and well written comment.

It got old quick.

Holy shit, Owen. You’re gonna be here for the death of this place.

Was the Carrera GT Paul Walker perished in afflicted by this suspension defect? Inquiring minds want to know.

Damn, this place is full of whiny babies.

“Since the comments she made, she said “a lot of people have been trying to dox me, specifically on Reddit, but I never thought the comments I made on Ho Bott News would make it to TikTok or Reddit or literally anything.””

“The Antonov AN-26 is an old plane, out of production by the time even the first 747s were assembled.”

2023's off to a flying start. RIP Ken

Weird that you’re okay with someone assaulting you.

So if I walk up and slap you across the face you’d be okay with it? Since it’s no big deal, right? Fucking clown.

Mischaracterized? It was assault.