Art Vandelay Silva

Money like that buys a lot of yayo.

I’m going to respectfully disagree with you when it comes to her performance in The Town. She couldn’t pull off a Southie accent to save her life, so she slurred her way though the whole movie(yes, I know she was playing a junkie).


How about we all do something more rational and get out and vote in the midterms?

This is spectacular Kinja. Kudos to you, sir.

“Seeing one here dressed for war is, uh, actually a little disconcerting.”

The AMG version will probably have the 2.0 liter turbo 4 cylinder from the CLA 45.

Must’ve been the asthma.

They even have a gloryhole!

They even have a gloryhole!

Reading some of the comments on the TMZ article reminds me why I hate people in general.

Those were halcyon days for the Gawker Media Group. A simpler time, before sex tapes and evil billionaires...

Phew! For a second there I thought Mount Redoubt had erupted again.

Pitt Panther? More like The Pink Panther.

Be careful, criticism like that is the Deadspin equivalent of touching the third rail.

Eye see what you did there.

Can we stop glorifying the over breeding of dogs, which results in these deformities?

Nah, no video evidence.

Sounds like a movie plot. Hey wait a minute...