what the fuck did I just watch
what the fuck did I just watch
“That wasn’t even the best part of the scene!”
I can’t wait for the inevitable “hack”. The Sausage McMuffin Top with Egg.
He’s too busy counting all the cash he grabbed.
Welcome to the slippery slope headed toward death panels.
“These Are The Cheapest Weekend to Fly This Summer”
O/T, bu anyone else notice that the last couple of days there seems to have been a drop in the amount of content across all of the GMG sites?
Nepotism personified.
Seemed pretty easy to me, since they butchered the rest of the field.
Harkens back to the days of Delorean.
I totally understand what you’re saying. I’m training for a triathlon coming up in July. Focusing on the training and diet, etc, keeps my mind from it’s usual dark place. After that, I have no idea what I’m going to do...
If we buy that many Kinja Amazon deals we should get ungreyed across the board. Bahahahahaha
Why do I doubt you are a dark brown American?
No one else did. The idiot’s recommending their own posts.
Too bad he wasn’t wearing that when he went off-piste.