Art Vandelay Silva

Yep, totally agree. The adults in this country should be collectively ashamed we’ve let it come to this.

Blame it on Operário 

I’ll sleep better knowing he grew to know that it’s not okay to beat women. It’s a redemption story in the making.

Global warming is a hoax, amirite?!?!

No snark. She’s great.

Same here. There’s gotta be fleet sales sprinkled in there, by both these guys.

Great info, thanks.

I wonder what sort of high pressure sales tactics Girard employed. Sounds like a total psycho.

What. The . Fuck?

First NBA game I watched in person was Golden State vs Houston at the Oakland Coliseum Arena in 1984. My takeaway at the time was “these people are really tall”.

Okay, young person.

“Gilbert Arenas went for 60 against the Lakers in December 2006. I was already on like my fourth car by then. My Wizards fandom had already bloomed and curdled multiple times. Holy shit, I was already married.”

Ashamed to say I was too busy being cool, getting married, having a kid.

I’m a Gen X-er. I think we slept through our best years with the tech explosion, 9-11, Iraq and Afghanistan wars going on, because we were still comfortable, able to build our lives. This new generation is growing up and saying “what the hell happened, why is this okay?”. It’s easy to write them off as kids with their

You’re not wrong. To add to that, I’d say the ideological war among the masses is being fought on social media already. What’s next?

No worries, think everything’s okay(Until you see me calling out to you from the greys, begging to be seen).