Happy New Year fellow Jalops!
Happy New Year fellow Jalops!
Here’s my hangover cure:
I hope you told him to go fuck himself.
I want to hear her rap about 401ks and Roth IRAs.
In that he also looks perpetually constipated.
Hopper Penn. Hopper...Penn.
Nope. But It’s a Small World sure takes on a whole new meaning when you’re frying.
This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.
I dropped acid at Disneyland during grad night, many eons ago.
How does one have “4 kids by 5 women”?
Feliz Navidad!
What a fantastic anecdote. Thanks for that. Merry Christmas to you sir.
Holy panel gaps, Batman!
He was anything but a pop musician. Sure, some of his work was clearly made for mass consumption, but calling him a pop musician is plain wrong.
“But he is for sure an NBA player, and the circumstances of his exit blow, big time...”
“Sounded way bigger than it looked.”
Happy fucking holidays, everyone!