
We order pickup or delivery once or twice a week and make every other meal at home. It has been nice in some ways. I went from eating out for lunch and breakfast five days a week to not doing that at all. That’s ten fast food/fast casual meals I’m not eating each week. I dropped twenty pounds fast. Kind of alarming

If someone were to ask me how much more dog could be in the game I would say “None. None more dog.”

Updooting for the info. Was not aware and kind of wish I didn’t know but it’s important that we get these things right.

I’ve seen some videos on some sites but so far the step-mom/sister hasn’t been stuck under a bus.

“he should have listened to the cops” is code for “I am okay with government authorities murdering American citizens in the streets” which is pretty fucked up.

I would have preferred pretty much anyone other than The Rock as Black Adam mostly because I can only see The Rock as The Rock. Puts a real damper on an otherwise awesome character.

Yeah, I thought it would be Damien until I saw him wielding the staff.

Natty ICEIS is beautiful. A+ work, my dude.

Black women in rock/metal, hmm... well, there was the drummer for Kid Ro- *ducks thrown objects*

Not sure if Nonpoint counts (nu-metal band from the mid 00's) but their singer was black.

I mean.. the missus and I tend to have a giggle any time we stir a pot of mac and cheese exactly because of the sound.

Oh, that Earl song. I always found it funny that people thought that was a fun song and that Earl deserved it but gangsta rap was somehow worse. Like, it’s a song about planning and enacting First Degree Murder. What the shit, people?

Oh, the rest of that is implied. I’m a fan of conciseness. When Orange Foolius got elected everyone wanted to throw out this word salad of -ists and, while I certainly agreed with their points, I usually tuned out by the second of their forty word descriptions. The dipshit is a bigot. That’s a nice, all-encompassing

Just because a country music artist said it doesn’t mean country music fans will like it. See also: The Chicks (née Dixie). They called out GWB and were summarily shifted out of the limelight at the height of their popularity. Radio stations stopped playing them and people still, to this day, say some awful things

Certainly a possibility given that it’s an Onion cartoon.

Grocery stores in Chicago (okay, the two grocery stores and Target that I frequent) have security by the door enforcing masks. The grocery stores are unionized but I doubt that Target is. Even Aldi has security at their door. Still, it’s Chicago and the security is through some private security firm rather than them

I’m annoyed that the artist misspelled “deities”

I can’t recall the last time I even saw the Raiders play on TV (could be my fault but could be theirs for sucking) so I don’t even know what they look like with the pink. Probably does look good, though. Come to think of it, the Panthers BCA isn’t bad.

Who the hell eats donuts at Dunkin? The seasonal thing they’ve brought back is maple sugar bacon which is then used in one of their breakfast sandwiches. So a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich but you pay a bit more for the bacon with maple and brown sugar on it.  The maple sugar bacon croissant sandwich is mighty tasty.