
Oh shit, the maple sugar bacon is back. I’m sad to see the Butter Pecan coffee flavoring go but that’s a nice replacement.

Salute to Service month is so fucking bad and the camo apparel is tacky as hell.

No, no, this is their time to shave shine!

For a guy that allegedly hates socialism Ben Shapiro sure does like being publicly owned

I thought his whole shtick was that he never went to college? Would certainly explain how fucking dumb he is.

This.. surprises you?

Trump Supporters: bIdEn cAnT sPeAk iN cOmPlEtE sEnTeNcEs!!1!

Just looked it up: uteri or uteruses

I tend to think that’s different because I totally drink something similar it’s zero sugar. I drink the pineapple coconut Stur and it’s fucking delicious.

How the hell could anyone ever vote for a man with that kind of facial hair?

I wonder if they also do CrossFit and live a vegan lifestyle.

Who the hell is still drinking Kool-Aid after the age of twelve?

I’d raise my hand but now I’m afraid it might only get about halfway there.

Wait, Marqise Lee still plays?

I’ve read maybe two articles since it went to scabs.

Clock King needs to be part of it. Like, Amanda Waller gives you your mission and Clock King coordinates the mission.

15? I was watching that shit on TV when I was, like, 4 or 5 years old. I was not ready for the Battlecry episode at that age.

Gimme Bronze Tiger!

“They’re only complaining about is on Gizmodo. None of the commenters are complaining about it on Deadspin.”

Last choice? C’mon now, I know it has been a few months since it all ended but did you forget that Michael Bloomberg was also sort of in the primary? And Klobuchar? And Mayo Pete? Biden wasn’t in my top ten but there were a lot worse on the ballot.