That game case will still be stuck to that ceiling when the house is eventually torn down and not a minute before. Godspeed, Fahey, and thanks for all the memories.
That game case will still be stuck to that ceiling when the house is eventually torn down and not a minute before. Godspeed, Fahey, and thanks for all the memories.
Gimme mah fuggin’ KILTS!
Gawker is now owned by a different company entirely. It was sold off years ago.
It is a beautifully imperfect place. I hope that the herbs who own it don’t run the whole thing into the ground.
Beating his babymama in front of his kids? I believe the urban dictionary term for that is “The O’Reilly Factor.”
My fiancé doesn’t want to watch the finale because she was that mad about Jurgen getting the boot but I watched it and she is missing out. If Crystelle hadn’t ruined her focaccia she might have won.
We do turkey burgers at home (the missus doesn’t eat beef) and we always slice up half an onion and saute them in a pan with some olive oil and salt. They’re nice and soft but full of flavor that bursts when you bite in to them.
I know this goes against the author’s recommendations but I usually put a little mayo or mustard on the burger or cheese and then set the grilled onions on the sauce to nestle it in place. Putting cheese on the onions sounds like a great way to go, too.
Potato buns or GTFO.
I just put my buns in the toaster on bagel setting so that it toasts the insides of the bun. Works just as well. You are now free to call me a monster for taking the easy way out.
That was the worst possible outcome. Mark Davis deserves nothing more than [violent rhetoric] or at least a reasonable haircut and skin treatment. Fuck Mark Davis with Sheldon Adelson’s rigor mortis stiffened fist. I’d say “Fuck the people of Nevada/Las Vegas” but they’re already being fucked by all the tax money…
I love the Boo jack-o-lantern. A+ choice there.
Same. Give me all of it.
Prue is kind of awful and there’s no “kind of” about it. Mary Berry is just such an affable person and if you watch an episode with Mary and then watch one with Prue you realize just how unpleasant Prue really is. Also, Bald Guy is fine but Sandy just seemed so much better with the contestants.
There’s a built-in rock-paper-scissors system that dictates how high, mid, and low attacks interact. All projectiles can be reflected multiple times, growing in strength and speed with each volley. You’re even able to grab projectiles out of the air and carry them around before throwing them back.
Short for a quarterback but he’s listed as 6' tall. Maria is listed at 6'2.
Brees is listed at an even 6' tall so she’s just that tall. She’s not wearing heels, either.
Daman Wayans, Jr. deserves better.