
Here’s our very first look at Ford’s competition for the Jeep Renegade.


Trump’s going to be the younger person on the ballot in November. Provided that he or whichever Old White Guy I’m Voting For Regardless lives to be on the ballot.

Looks like someone’s about to be Charmin clean.

That’s gonna be a NO from me, dawg.

no more “what is a man? A miserable pile of secrets” line

Probably just jacking it to the photos on the site. If this is a work computer, maybe it isn’t blacklisted by the company firewall so he peruses lingerie pics while polishing his mayo loaf.

Probably helps if you’re somewhat close to Van Buren and LaSalle/Franklin. They do not have indoor seating so you’ve got to grab it and go. There’s a nice plaza across the street from it that’s great to sit in once the weather is nice again.

Holy shit, I remember these. They were so freaking good. 

Ecto Cooler.

Oh, read his powers. It gets so much worse. He can make peoples blood burn but only if he cuts them first. Because reasons.

Superboy was so fucking 90s. Leather jacket? Check. Earring? Check. Whiny attitude? Check. He’s not Adam-X but he’s still so 90s it hurts.

This is it? This is the most controversial thing that a guy nicknamed “Mayo Pete” can come up with? I know the mayo monicker is supposed to be about his whiteness and/or his actions during his mayoral tenure but it might as well include just how goddamned BORING this guy is. Fuck.

It’s okay. Trump will come along to hand out paper towels to everyone!

Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.

I’m not even sure what Red Vines taste like. The missus has been ride or die for regular Twizzlers (strawberry only, dammit) for as long as I’ve known her but the other day she came home with a pack of Red Vines and my mind is completely blown. What is this box and why did she buy it? Maybe I’ll try one for myself

Oh come on, “doesn’t eat vegetables.” Muh’fucka, we all know there’s stringy lettuce on those Big Macs! Shredded iceberg is still lettuce. That counts! Don’t get me started on potatoes!

If Disney really cared they would have gotten a better team to develop the goddamned MOVIES.

Haven’t been to the new one over at/by the CNA building but Revival wore thin fast. I still like to get something from Smoque every so often but I can get better food for less pretty much anywhere. Hell, Roost and Lunchbox are closer to my office and are expletiving delicious.

I kept rewatching the clip waiting for the sick cross that never came. That said, I really appreciate your laser focus on sports here.