In a world with a Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac and Idris Elba, there is NO excuse for this malarkey!
In a world with a Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac and Idris Elba, there is NO excuse for this malarkey!
Still has Mark Wahlberg in that movie...
Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.
her 39-person bridal party
It’s an obvious pyramid scheme. If it were legit you could buy it straight up online or in stores, but you can’t. You have to buy it from a consultant, and you can only pick from whatever they happen to receive in their buy-in package.
I’m seeing a lot of dislike here for the original movie, but if John Hannah shows up to read a W.H. Auden poem every season, I am 100% on board.
I’m down with Hugh Grant in most of his iterations but I cannot FUCKING STAND ANDIE MCDOWELL. And what makes her so infuriating for me is that she always plays this elusive, precious, golden vagina’d goddess that some male lead finds sacred - even though she’s shown no sign of a personality other than looking at…
PLUS! the best thanksgiving play of all time!
I was 10, and you know what they got me? MA LI BU BARBIE!
You’re right, there is totally nothing inappropriate about a grown man inviting a 14 year old to a party with alcohol into his bed. Totally normal.
They’re disgusting vermin who hide in the shadows and defile their landscape. Their breeding habits are particularly revolting. For every item they devour, they ruin ten more.
I’m glad someone has the spine to stand up for these creatures.
I think it’s much more likely he will be encouraged to flip for a more lenient sentence, so we can get at some bigger, juicier, oranger fish.
I’d like Mueller to go to Jared.
Thank you, I loved reading this.
Hell, you (or just about any woman) could have had a miscarriage and just thought it was a heavy period a week later and that would be “god’s” choice. But Steve King would throw you in jail if you decided for yourself.
Ban at 6 weeks*