
YES. The Dads-to-be always seem to love this book. As a mom, I did too actually.

I visited Budapest several years ago. Now I am going to be distracted trying to figure out the filming locations!!

I agree. This is one of the reasons I actually found “The Happiest Toddler on the Block” helpful - before I read it I had never really thought about what the world looked like for a 2-3 year old, what his understanding of things is and what he can handle for his age and development level.

Good to hear!

Well, this is severely disappointing to hear. “The Alienist” is one of a few books I’ve read more than twice. I’ll still watch it though. Dakota Fanning and Luke Evan = yes, please. 

You sounds like you’re very in tune with both your personality style and needs AND your kids’. Congratulations! Sometimes I think parent/child conflicts are a result of parents being unable (or too exhausted) to recognize these things and respond appropriately.

My son is now 3-and-some-change and I think I have finally given up on parenting books, unless there’s one that is super-specific to my needs (hello “Raising Your Spirited Child”). I’ve found so many parenting books to be either 200 pages retreading the same basic lesson OR super-judgey of the reader without providing

This is our strategy - putting what we can into a 529 and everything else going to our 401K/paying off debt. I like the idea that we can contribute at least a little bit to our kid’s college fund while also taking care of ourselves.The 529 has also turned out to be a great place for the grandparents to put their gift

Got it. Thanks for clarifying. Also, yay for Kathleen Hanna. 

I always associated Third Wave with the GrrlPower RiotGrrl somewhat vapid movement of the 90's and Gen X white women railing against the Boomers and Second Wave. (I am an X-er and was one of those white women.) Would that be like choice feminism??

During a recent episode of the Q&A With Jeff Goldsmith podcast, Matt Reeves revealed he has a story planned for his solo Batman film, but a script hasn’t been written yet. Baby bat-steps!

It sounds like Black Lightning is taking the Legends of Tomorrow timeslot. Is Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 going to be 16-17 episodes like the last 2 seasons, or will it be less? (They’re at only 6 to date. Not sure how they can squeak out ten more before Black Lightning takes over.) Basically what I’m saying is: yay

  • Sarah Haines as the Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar

This is ALL TRUE from my personal experience, anyway. I loved my hedgehog but he was the shyest little bugger I ever met. Didn’t matter how much I tried to socialize him.

Hijacking with a photo instead of a gif. This was mine, Hans My Hedgehog. He was a sweet but shy little guy.

Aaaaaand this is why you build a cinematic universe by introducing solo character movies first before the big team-ups.

If Flash does indeed return to its former zany glory days, I might tune in once again. (They lost me at the end of last season.) In the mean time, I’m fine with Legends fulfilling that need.

Most kids won’t, but their PARENTS will. They are the ones with the money and when you shove a celebrity-written book in front of them and they don’t know any better, of course the parent is going to pick the book that has the familiar author over the (perhaps better written) one by someone they don’t know. It’s the

Reproductive abuse, girl. GTFO now.

Agreed. Don’t be an asshole not say “thank you” when someone gives you a present, whether or not you needed or wanted it. If you received a gift in person, would you just ignore the gift-giver? No. You would say “thank you” because you are a consider human being and don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings who did