
But is communism a red herring?

Is it possible to be utterly appalled yet not surprised in the slightest at the same time

That’s the nice thing about grandkids. You think, “Oh, wait. I remember this part.” And, hopefully, you do it better the second time around. Or at least you fuck them up in a different way than you did their parents.

This warmed my cold, dead heart.

When my grandson comes home from school, I usually greet him with, “Hey, buddy. How you doing? Did you learn anything interesting today?” But he’s 5 and so everything at school is still interesting to him, and he’s glad somebody wants to know. I know it’ll pass but I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

Counterpoint: My parents never asked me about my day. I promise you, that is far far worse.

If wage equality is know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.

He’s also a man, but I see you’re committed to comparing apples to oranges, so carry on.

This is really sad to me as the alternatives just aren’t that great. Our Target has a decent selection, but nothing makes my kids (or me) happier than just wandering around a fully dedicated-to-toys place like Toys R Us. I’m glad my local store isn’t closing, but I fear this is the beginning of the end.

What a ridiculously uncharitable reading. She explicitly says she cared about it, but noticed new things about the issues when she was undergoing it herself. This is natural, and exactly why we want all kinds of diversity in our representative bodies. She never refused to sign an airport breastfeeding bill - she just

Budapest is a great city. My wife and I visited there with friends and loved it.

I liked the book a lot as well - though it’s been a really long time since I read it, as I bought it in 1994 - and I enjoyed the first episode. But I like crime novels/mysteries and historical novels, so I was the target audience. Fun fact - they filmed this in Budapest.

I half watched it last night and got about 45 minutes in and realized if I was going to keep going I had to start over and pay attention. It’s not the kind of show where you can multi-task. I even had to turn the closed caption on to catch a lot of the dialogue because I was having trouble hearing/understanding a lot

It’s just an opinion. Your mileage may vary.


Don’t be sad. There was a sneak preview (meaning: we showed it a day early) last night & it was pretty good - a little slow maybe because it’s just getting started, but worthwhile. I didn’t remember the book too well so I’m re-reading now.

Lucille: Well, I may not have been a perfect mother, but you know kids don’t come with a handbook.

Yep, these books can be great when you have a very specific issue that you need help with, rather than a vague yearning for an overarching parenting philosophy.