That’s the good thing about being Luke Cage, in addition to having an Excellent Halloween he’ll also have a Sweet Christmas.
That’s the good thing about being Luke Cage, in addition to having an Excellent Halloween he’ll also have a Sweet Christmas.
First birthday parties are not for the kid, they’re for the parents. Congratulations on getting through the first year.
I can’t get my mind around that kind of motherhood. When I taught four year olds we had a student who was displaying a lot of troubling signs of sexual abuse. Turns out her uncle was molesting her (I never learned the extent and didn’t want to).
These girls are amazing and beautiful, good for them. We need some middle aged influencers though, people who can expound with confidence that it’s okay not to have a lot of career goals anymore and it cool if you lollygag on the couch all Saturday watching Ferris Beuller and Sixteen Candles for the millionth time and…
No. She is complicit. No matter if she is unhappy she has to be first lady, she is complicit.
1. Wizard of Oz was 1939, so 30 years earlier (not twenty).
Funny how all these ‘manifesting a new world’ cults always seem to subjugate and abuse women. It’s like men are all ‘how do I get all the sex I want? I know! I’ll start a religion! Make ‘em think they have to!’
Not only that, but Nirvana was not PUNK. They were Grunge. If she said she’d been into PJ Harvey and went through a punk phase I’d have an easier time believing her bullshit story (absurd hair-dye logistics aside)...
Let’s just talk logistics: there is zero way a teenager with a box of Nice & Easy dye could go from blue to blonde, especially with fresh blue dye. Zero. Zip. Not happening. Anyone who has ever dyed their hair ever would know this.
“ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts”=/= punk
I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.
We adopted our daughter by a young woman who was incarcerated and gave birth in prison, a relative of mine. It was very stressful and painful for her to give up her parental rights (we did not ask her, she asked us) but she also felt relief once she knew her daughter would be in a safe, secure, stable home surrounded…
not to mention Rosanna Arquette, who’s entire family is in the industry
Paltrow & Jolie are from Hollywood families. If Blythe Danner’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter didn’t feel comfortable speaking up for fear of repercussions, what does that tell you about the level of power Harvey Weinstein had over the entertainment industry? I hope this illustrates for people how deep this…