
I’m a woman and this is the kind of movie I should want to see, since I love Sci-Fi, Action movies, superhero movies, Etc. But there is just something about this one that seems unnecessary. Like... What more could there be to say on this subject and in this world? For whatever reason it just doesn’t interest me. And

Fantastic, but still pales in comparison to this:

The artist intentionally covered JB’s face to protect us from ourselves. Your mind can’t handle the full direct glory of JB. It cause a condition know as “facemelt”

Hey Pro-Lifers, remember this will lead to MORE abortions.

Just go ‘all in’ and cut to the chase; give us the Abbott and Costello reboot we all know they’re eventually going to get around to!

I was in labor for 30+ hours before electing for a c-section. My baby was not in danger at that point and my doctor gave me the option to continue a few more hours. After 30 hours, I was exhausted from contractions every two minutes, I was literally strapped down because of hormone shakes and I was in tremendous

I had an unplanned C-section because my son’s heart rate kept dropping. The cord was wrapped around his foot. If I would have insisted on a vaginal birth, he should have been fine. A friend of mine had the same situation, except that the cord was around her baby’s neck. If they hadn’t intervened when they did, he

I felt like Danny was better when he was in scenes with Luke. Danny spent too much of his own show being a spoiled brat. Luke wasn’t taking any of his shit and was physically able to stand up to him.

Just give us more Jessica/Matt.

What’s the deal with the Superman logos on the JL posters? I thought he was dead?

Shh, don’t spoil the “surprise”

I always forget this movie is happening.

Ok, ok, I fold. Chill out, dude.

This is a poem that sums up so much of this experience:

Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. When people ask me how many miscarriages I had before we ended up with an actual baby, I just say “fewer than 10.” Had them with fertility cycles, I had them between the fertility cycles. This is the way I know, at a gut, experiential level, that a fertilized egg is not a

Stephen Amell tells TV Line that, of all of Team Arrow, Oliver is the one most hopeful of convincing Black Siren to turn to good in the next season:

The whole Botox thing intrigues me, I’d like to look less tired and angry (ha). But look at her face, it’s like sculpture, with lines and hollows and creases and a well earned grimace. You can read into her, detect an inclination or motive even when she’s not speaking. That’s cool.

“Frances McDormand is here. Frances, can I just say, I love you. You are the only person in this room that I would save in a fire.” -Amy Poehler, speaking for me. 

I. Am. Livid.