
Well, CBS does like to pander to its elderly white audiences...

Great. Can we hurry up and get these “Dark Universe” monster movies out of the way? I want a reboot of the “Abbott and Costello Meet...” series starring Key & Peele. Thanks. 

If you’ve ever been stuck listening to That One Guy who insists on telling you about his “craziest antics”, you know that he is pretty much overselling himself.

How did I not know about this until now? This book is riveting - one of the few I’ve actually read more than a few times. I can’t wait to see a tv adaption! (Although the Isaacson brothers look to be way younger than I pictured them. I guess we’re doing the CW version of “The Alienist”.)

I wonder if any of this is related to the wider acceptance of divorce in our culture (some parts of it anyway). Absolutely anecdotal evidence - many of the friends I met in my post-college days had a “starter marriage” in their mid/late 20's. After remarrying, they went on to have kids. I was in the same boat.

Binging 4 episodes last night was my Mother’s Day gift to myself. I love this show so much.

My husband is diabetic, not from lifestyle choices but because it’s a genetic condition for him, inherited from his father. It’s possible that our son will have it too one day. It sure is inconsiderate of him and his ancestors to have kept breeding!

Can’t we just have an Anansi Boys adaptation and call it the American Gods II? I need more Orlando Jones in my life. Also, another commenter mentioned Donald Glover as Spider, to which I say YES!

I know, canon and etc, but cannot get past a knee-jerk squick factor of 45 year-old Bettany having makeouts with <30 year-old Olsen. Blech

Can we please get her to fire Jimmy and send him back to Metropolis because seriously, how did he get to be head of Catco and what is he even doing there or even on this show as a whole.

I am a perfect mom because I am not spending my kid’s college education $ on branded beauty bars. (Generics for the win!)

I seriously don’t have time for the 4 that already exist. If I pick up “Black Lightening”, I will have to drop “Arrow”. (Which I think I’d actually be ok with...I’m pretty much over Grumbly Oliver and his continued inability to train and lead a team. Also, WTF are they doing with Laurel Lance/Black Canary.)

I think the briefly part is especially important. It’s easy to say “wow, 300,00 a year”, but that’s not like a corporate gig where you’re guaranteed that every year that you work (plus you get healthcare benefits, 401K matches, and bonuses).

Thank you for highlighting this! I donated 2 nearly-new carriers to Carry the Future when my son got too big for them. It’s not much, but I have to believe that every little bit counts.

Can we send the Dems some pizza and pop for their all-nighter? (I’m from the Midwest so it’s “pop” godd@mn it.) How do I make this happen?

It’s archaic - not surprising as the books were written in the 1940's and 50's. On the flip side, by the end of Season 2 of this tv series, Ross has clearly rejected it/her so...yay?

True. Elizabeth was raised to be in, and then accepted that role. She tried to break out, but was not allowed to do so. In contrast, no one expects much out of Demelza so she’s allowed to be as hard working and boot-strappy as she pleases.

“Elizabeth, a woman who seems incapable of doing anything other than brushing her hair.”

This man is a national treasure. A beautiful, beautiful, national treasure.