
Oh my god - THANK YOU. Rip is just the worst captain. I can’t wait for someone else to take over. In fact, I was sorely disappointed to learn, prior to Season 1 starting, that Ray was not, in fact, the group leader for this show.

Unless you are one of the few who ovulates during their period. (It happens!)

We’re really...not. The number of op-eds and think pieces in the local press have been virtually zero in the last few weeks. No no I speak to - coworkers, friends, family - no one on public transit - NO ONE cares. we’re too busy killing each other, getting mad about the huge tax hike, fretting over the public school

Can I just say - after seeing that DC on CW art, my heart still breaks at the loss of Captain Cold. Also, can we PLEASE get more Firestorm this season? I feel like he was/they were on the sidelines so much last season. Jefferson and Martin hardly ever got a chance to fire up.

The “big bad” was really the coming of the Apocalypse with the 4 horsemen thereof serving as harbingers. Because the end game is already known from the start, it does indeed make it difficult to veer off into unrelated stories. (I stopped watching once they did so on a regular basis -in early Season 3.) I agree that a

Oh my gosh YES. I have even tried to encourage the organizers of our local Meet Up parenting group to add in weekend playdates and they are all like “that’s great, but no”. It takes some work, but it might be worth setting up and administering a Meet Up specifically for working parents in your area. I’ve had some

The Orlando Jones casting news for “American Gods” just made my heart leap with joy.

I’m so sorry to hear that you left the field of theater because of this kind of shitty behavior and that you are now dealing with some residuals. I hope your healing can continue and that you’ve found another, more positive, artistic outlet, if of interest.

For anyone who might be interested, here’s the group that’s been created to combat the type of physical, mental, and sexual abuse that’s been going around in the Chicago theater community. It’s mentioned in the original article. If you are Chicago-based (artist or not) there are some excellent resources listed. http://

Yep. You get it.

Whoa. Better check back in with that therapist! I’m out.

I fail to see what that has to do with anything.

I’m concerned about the amount of self-absorbed language in your post - it’s all about you and what a great outcome it was for you in the end to suffer this kind of abuse. The larger discussion at hand is about how this effects ALL of us in the community (and I am part of the Chicago theater community specifically).

Why is it that the Black and female-led films are the only ones that don’t get prime moving-going slots? (late spring/summer and late fall) I call bullshit.

As if I wasn’t already going to watch the hell out of this.

Wait, so not even abs in indoor scenes, like, pre or post sex? This is unconscionable, I say! Unconscionable!

They are on both accounts. The big downside is that they are naturally nocturnal, so it’s best to be home at night if you want to enjoy them. They also like eating bugs, which could be a positive or a negative depending on how tolerant you are of dead (or living) crickets.

Yes, but how much of what you’re renting is really quality wear and not just expensive because of the label? Many high end designers have their clothes manufactured in China, India and other countries with no guarantee that the quality is any better than what’s available at Old Navy.

Broadway is traditionally “dark” on Mondays (i.e. no performances) - that’s why the cast can perform at the White House today. I’m sure all or most will be back in NYC by Tuesday night!

Well, Tim Hunt - the women are the ones always falling in love in the lab and causing trouble? Shows what you know.