
Oh god. It’s like they are forcing me to see this monstrosity. Here. Fine. Go ahead. Take my money, Disney. *weeps in a corner*

Legends of Tomorrow

I am pleased to see that Will and Kate are included in this photo. It really drives me nuts when I receive Christmas cards with just the kids in it. Like...YOU EXIST TOO, PARENTS!

I have not personally used them, but I have a co-worker who has. From what she’s said, it’s been a mixed experience. One time, she rented a formal gown for a work event - we work at a non-profit. - rent the Runway didn’t have that gown she ordered in stock and sent her what was supposed to be a similar dress “selected

“They don’t often eat the seals [after hitting them].”

The amount of breastfeeding is actually laughable. 10 minutes? Try 30-45 for a 6 month old. 20 at the very least for a newborn, unless you to make your baby scream because you took her food away. Also, add in 10 minutes every time you need to change baby’s clothes, which when they’re tiny is a LOT.

Agreed on the exclusionary thing. My favorite “type” is tall, pale, dark hair, thin, preferably with a British accent. I ended up with a short Chinese American cutie and I’m glad for it. (Not the least because of our adorable happa baby.) Stick with only your “type” and may never find the right match.

Although I was initially hesitant to see stage adaptation of “Peter and the Starcatcher” because as this article points out, “do we really need an origin story?” - I found it to be utterly delightful and charming, even if it IS a prequel. (That said, the elements that made it so were fully bound to the theatrical form

In my experience (mom of a 11 month old), it’s all about time management. Your kid is going to sleep several times a day for at least 20 minutes. That’s enough time for a quick shower. Alternately, if you have a partner or spouse living with you, he/she should absolutely be capable and willing to take care of the

I have to admit, one of my favorite episodes of JL Unlimited is “Kid Stuff” - if only because the whole teenage love triangle is hilarious. (Wonder Woman mooning over an broody, oblivious Batman while poor Superman gets totally friendzoned.) That said, I hope that dynamic doesn’t get picked up by this new comic. It

This is all very true. My mom has been a travel agent for 25 years - working with everyone from immigrants without credit cards and internet access (and therefore are paying in cash for airline tickets) to the highest of high-end. Most of what she does now is provide a curated experience that is tailored to each

The answer to your question is YES. That is all.

Yeah, I think that the intention in the original production is that she’s played a teenager. Thus, her journey becomes one of going from childhood to being an adult. The overtly-sexual encounter with the Wolf was a sort of right-of-passage on that journey. Sondheim, he be complex, yo.

I’ve heard that that’s the case. Congrats on enduring! Having a 10 month old baby only adds to my psychological need to wash every day (baby food, various baby body fluids in my hair, etc...). I wish I had your fortitude.

I am SO glad to hear that there are other ladies with hair like mine. I had a new hairdresser recently who shamed me for washing it every day and I was like “HAVE YOU LIVED WITH MY HAIR? No? Then you have no idea how desperately it needs to be washed every 24 hours!”

Clearly someone did not go through the rigorous and traumatizing “parenting” exercise in 10th grade health class. No leaving your fake baby/egg/flour sack in a locker, backpack, or car. YOU GET AN “F” LADY!!

+1 on keeping the ring in sight. I stupidly gave mine to a supposedly reputable dealer after they promised that they could sell it on consignment for $4K-$5K (originally bought at $6K) within a few months. They yanked my chain for almost a year, once said they had sent it half-way across the country for a client to

Florida? Ritualistic killing? I know someone who might be to blame.

I am so excited to see supporting actors from some of my favorite old shows popping up on some of my favorite new shows - Deborah Ann Woll from “True Blood” to “Daredevil”, Merritt Wever from “Nurse Jackie” to “The Walking Dead”, C.S. Lee from “Dexter” to “True Detective Season 2”. (Ok, “True Detective Season 2” kind

Unless I am about to miss my flight, I think it’s a fight worth having. My kid deserves to have my milk if I am able to provide it for him, and errant TSA workers deserve to be educated about the rights of breastfeeding mothers. Of course, if I had an employer who would ship the milk home, I would likely take them up