
Only slightly related, but my family always limited my water intake to an absolute minimum before and during trips so I wouldn’t have to pee that often. I still have trouble realizing when I’m thirsty or am showing signs of actual dehydration. I can easily go through a day with less than 1L/33oz.

That is essentially what my mother did.

New York City is also projecting that there will be 300,000 fewer tourists. Because people are hearing stories of CBP treating people like shit and deciding that it’s just not worth the risks. And the idea of forcing people to hand over passwords is terrifying for the business crowd, so business travel should be down

This is nothing. A friend of mine told me her elementary school teacher divided up the class into Jews and Nazis and let the latter treat the former like shit so “everyone could learn about the Holocaust.” (Age appropriate materials weren’t doing the trick? I don’t know.)

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post the incredibly popular view on a post that was probably aimed at people who like her.

This is not a debate, but a war for basic rights. And unfortunately the right wing twists it to be a fight for them to persecute LGBTQ+*

I was able to translate the tattoo:

Well, when my sister’s marriage was circling the drain and she and her husband were still in deep denial, they decided to have another baby. One nasty divorce later and she’s wishing they weren’t quite so “bonded.” So... there are things more permanent than a tattoo, just sayin.

No, Cancer is not bipartisan. The Republicans are trying to strip Americans of health care as we speak. Cancer is very much supported by the Republicans.

All I want is to stand in front of Tom Price and Paul Ryan and drink water while they burn.

Anyone here have experience with LASIK? Been thinking about it. I’m nearsighted, -3.25 in both eyes, been stable for a while now (I’m 30). Slight astigmatism. Might set up an initial exam to check out my options and if I’m a good candidate.

This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.

Massachusetts and NY. So proud.

I generally don’t get sick so I don’t use my sick days. But I am gone for a handful of days with my students at various things. Some classes my sub plan is “they can work on whatever they want to work on but they’ll probably waste their valuable time and play on their phones.” But some classes have very detailed plans

Am I the only one who wished it wasn’t a little girl facing down the bull but a middle aged, paunchy around the middle, Old Navy dressed woman who is tired of all the bullshit and ready to burn this fucker down?

Victoria was pining for you. She hid it well behind her thinly constructed facade.

Don’t tell me what to do! Serouisly though, now you’ve put the idea of taking a big White House napkin and tucking it in my collar and taking a platter that a server is passing around like it’s a plate. Also, at the end, say to Melania “That was great, toots, class as fuck” and slap her on the ass so she knows you

I’m surprised they didn’t build a “phone pen,” where the little rugrats can play on Mommy’s iPhone while not watching a movie their parents paid $7.50 for them not to see.

This story coupled with Los Angeles 12% vote turnout yesterday is so so so infuriating. I am pissed off. We did this to ourselves. 

“Luncheon” sounds like I would still be hungry at the end.