
I was saying “Boo-urns.”

Why do they need milk? Not like these motherfuckers season their food.

That would require A. Intellectual curiosity and B. The willingness to read or B.1. Willingness to listen to your staff. Which Trump utterly fails to do on both counts.

Yep, my company has employees (and customers) from all over the world, and I’ve met with them regularly. Knowing the protocol and customs of another country seems like “Presidenting 101".

And you’re never gonna BE president if you keep up that attitude!

That’s something that is very disturbing about the whole Trump so-called presidency. All previous presidents get briefings before talking or or meeting other leaders. They are briefed on how to behave without offending and on issues related to the relationship between our country and that of the person they are

Yup, I even did this when I was a measly intern at an international bank (I was in charge of organising food, drinks etc. for meetings with clients, greeting them and showing them around) because I wanted to, you know, do a good job and stuff.

When I saw the headline, my first thought was that chances are good he rebuffed advice from others on how he should conduct himself in terms of custom. My second thought was the point you made. A few minutes on Google is all it takes.

I don’t even know you and I wish YOU were our president.

Thank you!

That’s why you are not the president. A person like you who cares about your impact on others and takes the time to proactively iron out any potential issues knows very well not to get into the dirty, tricky, backstabbing, personal glorification game that is politics.

I feel like we’re at the point that we should thank people, like you, that are decent, respectful Americans and show others, around the world, we’re not all incompetent idiots. So, thank you!!

The company I work for even has a section on our intranet so we can find that information.

Google should use this as a marketing strategy, and display the number of times they could’ve be saved Trump from embarrassment. Ex, who is Frederick Douglass? What is the Start treaty? How to be a president?

and he’s the damn president. he doesn’t even have to do the googling. he can just have a staffer do it and report back to him.

Yeah, but you plan ahead and think in complete sentences. And google.

Also, I’m pretty sure the WH has people on staff who are supposed to advise the president about these kind of things related to etiquette. ...Unless that guy got fired, which he probably did because ETIQUETTE IS FOR BETA CUCKS or something something something.

Seeing that video makes me feel a whole lot better about wearing one brown shoe and one black shoe today and not noticing until after lunch.

To be fair, no amount of instruction will prevent Trump looking like an idiot.

We are talking about the same guy who signs Executive Orders written by others without reading them, correct? The guy who decided on a raid in another country based on a dinner conversation and not briefings nor sit reps from those in the know, yes?