
Cultural etiquette 101:

If you look at popular vote numbers for red states just for President, there are still HUGE numbers of people who voted for Hillary. For those of us blue people in red states, we need to remember we are a minority but we have massive support and we need to find each other! I mean in Louisiana (where I live), it was

forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school

If white people were willing to take a stand against Trump, Trump wouldn’t be President.

She has never once baked me cookies.

Maybe now those filthy subhumans will learn their place and stop trying to make a better life for themselves through love, honest hard work, and perseverence here in America.

The Dems should lay down this law: Until Trump publicly shows that he understands the role of the judiciary, he gets no votes or cooperation from them on anything, period. It’s this serious. The courts are literally the last thing stopping him. He must be publicly humiliated like this, becuase it’s the only thing he

Part of me wonders if this is Gorsuch’s way of buttering up dem senators so they won’t battle over the stolen seat.

I cynically think that this very soft statement about an obviously damaging attitude of Trump’s is just a tactic to make him seem more reasonable to liberals.

for some reason this pic just makes me expect some random parkour guy to come running in.. clear both bins then break his teeth on the first chair....

For the record - mother teresa was a sadist who believed that the poor were meant to suffer in the name of Christ. She withheld pain medication to the most desperate to fulfill her own views of serving god. She also baptised the dying regardless of their religion or preferences, and accepted money from an embezzler.

Unpopular opinion:

Agreed on all points.

And of course, never wanting to be left out of the Asshole Olympics here comes Ohio with their own version of this bullshit. Go Buckeyes. No. Wait. I misspoke. What I meant was Go fuck yourself in the eye, especially you, Josh Mandel.

Breaking News! Ohio will no longer publish scorecards or cost/student metrics.

all of the information I’ve see about Charter schools kind of points to them really not living up to the hype, at all, which is a shame because ultimately it’s the most vulnerable people who get hurt by that

That would fit right in over here on the Eastern side of PA. I love watching the #nosavesies posts on Twitter each winter, especially when the Philly police chime in.

This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”

Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax… YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT I’M LIVIN’ IN THE FUCKIN’ PAST!