
A theme of Trumps campaign was bringing the factories back. But one of the reasons the factories went away - in addition to being able to buy labor at slave-level wages in China - is working at a factory in the post-industrial revolution era is about possesing a high-education, or at least a skill. The iPhone is made

I hate it when people park in front of my house overnight. Park in front of your own damn house. Or better yet, in your driveway where you belong.

She’s just not LIKEABLE enough, right?

Actually, people are worried about them sluts and their abortion pills, the fags and their degenerate natures corrupting our kids, those nig...I mean urban kids stealing the TV’s and raping all the white women before going to buy an iPhone with foodstamps, in addition to dudes in dresses coming over from Mooslim

Just fuck you. Women in this country picked up the slack in the recession. They have fought and worked hard for their healthcare, their kids, and for their employers. These are the women of middle America and they are getting fucked over. Take your man feels somewhere else, preferably off a cliff in the mountains.

It’s been awhile since we’ve watched video of Hillary Clinton talking into the camera with her trademark calm, robotic cheer, and I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now.

But yeah, no sexism in this election. It’s just about those poor oppressed scared white males in the rust belt....

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

A woman? Playing a big important lying man??? A bad man in bad suit whose face gets red every time he lies lies and lies?? A woman can do that? Don’t think so!!!  What’s the world coming to? Where are our values? Who will tell little white Christian boys watching Saturday Night Live that they too can grow up to be

Trump calls his own shots, largely based on an accumulation of brain plaques that block cell-to-cell signaling at synapses, and everyone knows it.

Our president is a two legged stool

Also send Mary Berry, Fieri is on his way. Fair trade.

This summer, many farms in Washington state had trouble bringing crops in because immigration had tightened so considerably, the folks who typically made up the crews were either denied access or too worried to try. A public radio show interviewed farmers who said they’d posted help wanted ads. People without

Not food sector story, but hey it happened this week and it involved immigrant staff being amazing...

Tonight’s special: A regional take on your American turducken wherein we stuff a kiwi into an emu and then into LOTR hobbit extra.

Time to bring the Wall back into the conversation. I’m sure this is also a comment on the Muslim ban, but the vast majority of immigrant kitchen staff are from Mexico, Central and South America. And a fuckton of them are undocumented. Pay them some fucking respect and give them a path to citizenship. And for the love

Ah, Top Chef season 4 ... the halcyon days before Richard Blais was a cheflebrity being trotted out at every opportunity.

Your dad would be proud at what an insufferable fuck you’ve grown into. Good to know you’re the only person who’s ever suffered loss in the world.