
Mismanage and under fund it and then scream about how bad it is and that it ‘just doesn’t work’.

I don’t think everyone gets what an epic disaster this is. I work in education and EVERYONE is freaking out. Even charter schools and voucher schools. This woman honest to God has no idea what she’s doing and her ideas ideas are outdated even among the voucher crowd.

Oh, honey.

we must protect Chelsea and Jordan’s child, the future of comedy

His supporters are stupid enough that they will protest Budweiser by drinking Bud Light.

So she believes she connected with her dead father and they didn’t have anything else to talk about except her weight loss and her wedding?

I am screaming wordlessly forever at commenters who show up every time to say “she’s a cyborg, her shell can be any race! We don’t even know what race MOTOKO KUSANAGI really is! It’s not racist whitewashing to cast a white actress as an Asian character because cyborgs are any race!”

Cut them some slack. Their Director of Ethics died in the Bowling Green Massacre and they’re still too distraught to find a replacement.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we actually discovered irrefutable evidence that Ivanka’s children were fathered by Trump. Somehow I’m still pretty sure at least half his base would find a way to justify it, like “banging your daughter is the new banging your wife, everyone knows that!” 

I get either physically sick to my stomach or severe anxiety daily if I fall down a news rabbit hole. I’ve limited myself to watching only Hardball at night after I get home from work. Other than that it’s the Food Network, HGTV or Discovery Channel, or streaming podcasts such as Pod Save America. I’ve also been

I can vouch for a LOT of Rabbis standing up against this administration. These are no Jewish values.

That God didn’t smite him with a righteous lightening bolt, right there on that stage, is proof enough that he doesn’t exist. Well, that, and Evangelicals supporting him after he’s made a mockery of literally everything they claim to hold dear.

Does anyone else take a periodic break from the news? I don’t want to bury my head in the sand, but each one of these stories (ranging from him being an insensitive moron to committing absolute atrocities) makes my brain hurt more and more. How did this ever happen? How did 63 million people vote for this 70 year old

And incorporating your business :)

“So she never came out to say hi while we were standing there. She was just waiting to see what kind of goodies we left here for her.”

en serio... who cares about some privileged blondie who threw her life away to do some drugs? It’s pathetic how she got a $500,000 book advance when there are more talented writers working in day jobs and trying to send out unsolicited emails to publishers during their free time. I read her stuff on xoJane and she’s

I mean, seriously, why did they even need a poet for the inauguration?

It’s like Apex vs Starter all over again.

I truly, truly hate women who do this. They do not look at their husbands like that at home behind closed doors. It’s a stupid con game that their idiot cohorts fall for every time. My parents have been married for over 50 years, so this is not cynicism.... I know what real love looks like and that look of agape,

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit