
I absolutely hate the schadenfreude surrounding her loss, mostly from men who probably look like Steve Bannon. Is she outspoken and confident, verging on the cocky? Sure, so are 99% of male athletes. I don’t see any difference between her attitude and that of some of the male UFC fighters.

I get that people find entertainment value in the UFC but seriously... WHY would anyone want to make a living getting the everloving shit kicked out of their face?

So he’s now doing middle school presentations? Cool, cool....

He’s such a loser.

I love how “religious freedom” means discriminating against gay people, while at the same time, they’re trying to keep Muslims out of the country.

Congress is set to pass a new “religious freedom” act that Trump will certainly sign, so this is nothing.

Certainly all people should have the right to grab a dick as well as a pussy.

Don’t buy a fucking word

Denzel Washington could win Best Actress and I would still be like “ah, yes, excellent choice.” I mean..... Denzel. *swoon*

“I hope they play all their hit.”

Spring is just around the corner*, Zika’s going to start showing up all over the south and the CDC will be like other non-military government agencies: lacking staff from the hiring freeze, brain drain after senior staffers quit in disgust, and waiting for leaders to be appointed to make decisions so action can be

“Bad Mohambres”

I have never in my fucking life seen a more worthy dying wish experience. Fuck yes, Alyssa.

The only response I can think is to my fellow white ladies:

I really have nothing to add. Take that is a sign that this is extremely well written. I enjoyed reading this from start to finish.


I feel these stories should be tagged #RepublicanFamilyValues and/or #TrumpFamilyValues

Fuck you, Susan Sarandon. I hope you’re happy.

TEAM BETTE FOREVER. And this movie better respect that.

Cute. Susan Sarandon still aint shit tho