
Congrats to Ciara on her new deal ... was expecting news that we could all celebrate. But good for you Cici!

I whould prefer a right to arm bears.

She’s still so young, she could definitely do a 180 career wise if she wanted. I personally hope she becomes a happy, successful tax accountant.

Oh, the drive on the PA Turnpike. I sometimes really hate that I only have a radio in my car.

Someday soon he’s going to walk by a mirror and crack his skull trying to attack his own reflection...

Forget guns, get to know your neighbors and grow potatoes in your backyard. Going off by yourself is not only lonely but makes you a target for bandits. Community and mutual aid is all we got.

I’m still clinging to that, TBH. While I stockpile for the apocalypse, it’s the only thing I can do to keep me semi-sane.

It is continually shocking how few people in the US read books. My cousins are this way, they claim to have not read a book since junior high.

You mean their hands and CONVENIENCES are clean. That’s only because they have fully shat their pants, insteas.

I’m having a lot of “WTF did I just read???” moments these days, and while that sentence didn’t shock me at all, it was still sufficiently disturbing to make me go “WTF did I just read???” -- which is probably something Donald Trump has never had occasion to say.

Well they won’t be when they find out their water is full of lead and their food full of poison!

Anti-intellectualism is like pubic lice - they both suck balls and can spread only too easily. On the other hand, pubic lice are cuter.

Did you see that someone punched Richard Spencer again, tho?

He [pays someone to] writes them [and slap his name on them] though:

Primeminister May is currently visiting.


Trump reads books, or maybe not:

If those children would get a fucking job they wouldn’t need government handouts.

Yeah,that whole “I voted with my conscience” thing is what my one friend put on his FB page (and I wanna say he voted for Johnson).

Ben Franklin spoke publicly about driving out the angry, boorish, stupid Germans before they destroyed America. FDR said the Nazi attitude toward Jews was understandable. We interned Japanese Americans (and Korematsu is still on the books). We chained Cherokee children in solitary confinement at school just for