
Such special snowflakes. The entire country is turning into a dumpster fire but at least they are still pure. *vomit* They are the physical embodiment of the “This is fine” dog.

I don’t know why Mexico and Canada don’t build their own walls to keep Americans out and skip trading/working with the US altogether.

BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

Everything is the worst, all the fucking time.

I wish Mexico’s president just ghosted Trump instead of formally saying he wasnt coming

They’ll do a VH1 “My Life On The Offenders List” and make Josh and June bunk with the Sandusky widow, Subway’s Jared via skype and R. Kelly.

I was worried form a minute that Matt Walsh of VEEP was writing for The Blaze.

Oooh, right. I forgot about the shrill. America, we will rue the day. That is, if we are allowed to rue the day.

Yep that sounds about right.

wait, wahlburgers is a tv show?

This is exactly what I think of every single person on my FB feed who is a Trumper- that the last “book” they read was the September edition of Flex that someone else left behind in the locker room.

I miss Bill Hicks:

I want to know what 3 newspaper’s Benito Cheetolini actually reads. Something tells me The Blaze, WSJ, and FOXNews tweets.

Right! Kids are resilient. They don’t need healthcare. I don’t know what she was thinking trying to actually DO something meaningful. What a ma-roon.

Well if they’re against book-readin’ I’d recommend they take a look through Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. I’m sure that would hold a fair number of belly laughs for them.

I don’t know when this started but I think Carl Sagan saw the signs early:

Are you from Northeast PA? Because the general consensus around here is that book learnin’ is for stupid people.

How do they take it when you call them stupid fucking morons to their faces?

In a way, it is good he does not read books, he could be reading books about making white people whiter, genetics and how to get rid of some races, how to torture people efficiently or dystopian books which he would like to bring to life.

And she had the audacity to make some money along the way, and she helped create and run an extremely efficacious foundation, so obviously she couldn’t be trusted.