
Apparently Books are for nerds! At least my crazy uncle loves military history and tom Clancy books

Don’t forget nasty

Never underestimate the patriarchy’s hatred.

Yep. This is also why they are cool with his 12 word vocabulary and why they hate Obama so much. Dummies have finally triumphed!

Maybe its just because I am a curmudgeonly old bibliophile, but I do not trust people who openly profess that they don’t read books.

Wow. Book-readin’. How subversive and radical.

Your uncles sound like my father.

Or when she worked with her opponent in the primaries to create the most progressive platform that any presidential candidate has run on? Ugh. Shrew.

And she let her husband cheat on her. What a bitch.

... And this godforsaken buffoon was somehow preferable to a woman who had been in public service her entire life because ...emails.

The mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto, also put out a really wonderful statement expressing his hard intention for Pittsburgh to be a sanctuary city. I know a lot of you think we’re backwards hicks here but Pittsburgh is really trying.

Are the Catholics? Like, are they really? I know my (former) church is full of NIMBY spouting conservatives who want to send the Brown People home because that’s what White Jesus would do. I’m only half exaggerating. But I don’t think the suburban Catholic churches would do shit. Maybe the inner-city churches will,

Apparently my school made some solid decisions in not showing this to us.

There was a Tim Daley/ Penelope Ann Miller rom com in the early 90's called The Year of the Comet. The movie Bombed, but I bought the VHS tape because Tim Daley took his shirt off in it. And bonus: he had a Magnum PI mustache in it.

Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some

Ah, an ‘alternative’ wall, if you will.

I resemble this comment. Watching some reruns a few years ago, I noticed my husband has a close resemblance to him. Was it really love or was I just trying to live out some teenage Tim Daly fantasies? Ah well. I may have taken my crush too far but we’ve made it 25 years. Also, nobody tell him, please.

Did you watch the 90's Superman cartoon with your eyes closed? (to hear his voice)

Tim Daly was my first big crush. Damn, that is one fine looking man.