
Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

Tim Daly, hubba hubba.

As engineer, the concept of Southern US border wall is fascinating. It will require massive use of resources, including roads, housing, utilities, etc without considering even wall, in some of the most remote and difficult terrain in the US.

“Most of these vagina screechers didn’t vote, but they mean business. Riiiiiiiight. What a farce.”

Thank God so many of us took it upon ourselves to vote our conscience in November. Thank God so many more of us took it upon ourselves not to get off our lazy asses and go fucking vote. Thank God so many of us had our priorities in such good fucking order. Otherwise, all of this would have been avoided. All of it.

It’s because Republicans are self-interested, while Dems are interested in the greater good for as many of us as possible. It’s an uphill battle in slippery weather

First of all, welcome to America, we are all sons/daughters of immigrants in this country, I don’t understand why it has become such a bad idea or thing in the very near past and present. I sincerely hope you will find the streets paved with proverbial gold.

The wall’s meant to keep us in. How long until we see paramilitary forces headed by asshole Sheriffs roaming the country?

This is the same country that turned away thousands of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust over anti-Semitism and fears that they would take American jobs. Now, we’re turning away thousands of Muslim refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad over Islamophobia and fears that they will take American jobs. We even used the

But Hillary Clinton would have been just exactly the same! Two sides of the same coin!

Remember just a few weeks ago when the Republicans were all “Executive Orders are bad and unconstitutional”

I hate this guy. I hate him in a way I’ve never hated a politician before.


Yeah this is complete betrayal. And the comments here are mostly, ‘well I guess they must know what they’re doing right?’ What the fuck!?

A million times yes

My understanding was that all micro-pigs are regular pigs and they grow to a normal size unless you starve them. But I can’t find the CBC investigation that informed me of that...

SW Ohio represent! I was wondering if anyone shared this one.

Joyce’s Woman Card is revoked.

Please add Bruce Jones, of West Chester, Ohio to your list. He posted on Facebook that women who marched were probably mentally ill, and also made reference to the “Transvestite alliance.” He has been fired from his real estate firm, but refused to step down or apologize.

This administration is already bringing out the best in people. I cannot wait to see where this leads...