
I’m never having kids.

I hear wounds from a Morgul blade never really heal.

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.

I agree. I’m sorry she chose to marry this man. I feel sorry for Barron because he didn’t choose his parents. That’s it.

Kellyanne is telling the truth. Every time she uses ‘they,’ she’s specifically referring to his supporters. They didn’t care. They don’t care. They didn’t/don’t care about his tax returns, sexual abuse, lies, bigotry, lack of experience- the list continues. Or rather they DO care. They like that he’s disrespectful and

Meesa tinkin’ ussa people gonna die.

Yeah, there was no way Trump was going to become President.

My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.

Is it called something along the lines of, “How to Train Up a Child” or something like that?

and she took a Buzzfeed quiz that told her what her spirit animal is.

I’d blame it on Roethlisberger being an alleged rapist, but that’s just me.

So throwing a phone and being physically abusive is different than being beat up? I think both of those things can be included in being beat up. I sure felt beat up after malacious dodge ball games.

Don’t forget what Rowling did to Native Americans and her “response” to their valid concerns:

In related “UGH”, Tori Spelling apparently calls them “guncles”.

Your statement makes me want to make a crack about the grief over the wife is maybe because she’s not doing stuff in the bedroom, so the main throwing guy’s arm is tired. Or something of the variety of a masturbation joke.

They do that to literally every QB that hasn’t been married since college. I suppose you don’t remember when Tony Romo was dating Jessica Simpson and they went on vacation together? And then the Cowboys lost and the fans went ballistic? Or people blaming Ciara for Russell Wilson’s struggles? Happens constantly, unless

They are all dead, because they were made of cheese and in America. I’m sure we’ve melted them all down and poured them over something like chips or broccoli, because America.

Or goose husband.

There’s also a rumor flying around that the Rodgerses (ugh) are hard line Christians and took issue with the fact that Munn is of Asian descent. So very Christian of them if true.

This is such a common impulse, to take at face value the word of people who engage in racist microaggressions. This woman deserves to be told that her actions were insensitive so that she can learn from her mistakes, and so other folks learn to at least crowd-source an MLK Day menu before running with it. It’s