
Is that any good?

“He will be the only living former president not attending Donald Trump’s inauguration”

With all this back and forth, Harvey really comes across as two-faced.

I feel like white folks are going to black events to create a conflict and then get onto FoxNews and say that they were targeted due to reverse racism. Next they will visit our restaurants and complain about too much mayo being placed on their foods by the racists

One of two nominees usually go down for something like this that pops up in the vetting, I really thought this would bring her down.

“hardest working 23 year old human being on earth.”

How many times is poor Lohan gonna try to reinvent herself? Really thought getting decent-to-good reviews in that play 2 years ago and also showing up for every performance was promising. I thought doing supporting character parts would be her lifeline and she would eventually regain respectability. Feel like shes

I still like the idea I read somewhere on here that Obama should resign tomorrow, making Biden number 45, ruining Trump’s merchandise. What would make it even better is if Biden then resigned the next day (once Trump’s people started working on getting number 46 merchandise made), making Paul Ryan 46.

“...shouted down and accused of being emotional.”

Poor Sunny, she’s the Jan Brady of the Obama family.

Or get shown that fucking mug of Trump of a his tank and some bullshit about liberal tears. Ain’t nobody on this side crying, but there’s still four years of hard times coming.

Hate ‘em all, but I kind of feel more confident about our ability as a nation to overcome the threat posed by weaselly obstructionists than by actual nazis.

I’m actually kind of sad that I never got to pet Bo and Sunny. They’re so FLUFFY! I could totally handle Sunny considering I have my own ill-behaved dog at home.

“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”

Now, with three days remaining until he’s sworn in, he’s doing the same thing. Stop waiting to be reassured. It’s not happening.

I would love to sit next to only other women on a plane because MEN TAKE ALL THE ARM RESTS.

This is a good plan. I am loving it!

Don’t be silly.

I hear you. I’ve spent the last 16 years doing just that. You know what I find in return? Militant ignorance. You can literally lay out cold hard facts to these people and they will still not abandon their bias. Believe me, I have many many friends back home in MS that will confirm this. These are people who rail on

That’s a two way street there, bucko. I certainly don’t get many people coming to my neck of the urban woods who honestly want to learn about how we think. I do get a lot of people telling my neighbors how they think they live but that’s not the same thing.