
They’re not all racists.

The white people who are saying this to you are idiots, but I can tell you from experience that racist white people do not listen to normal white people either. They don’t listen to anyone except for the blowhards in their echo chambers. I completely agree with Duvernay. There is no point in engaging with these

Again I say, not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist (or a misogynist) but every single one decided it wasn’t a deal breaker. Every. Single. One.

She’s not wrong. The onus is on white people to pick up the slack, educate, and come collect their own trash. It’s unreasonable and cruel to ask POC to keep explaining and defending their humanity to oppressors.

I live around people who voted for Trump and I know many of them will not want to listen to me. I’m an American Indian woman with a Hispanic last name. I’m also well educated and a feminist. There are so many things I am that is wrong to them.

America spends most of it’s time eating the ass of Trump voters and have for some time. Just look at our election cycle, it begins in Iowa and New Hampshire (the Iowa of the NE)... White flyover state voters have a higher median income than “liberal enclave voters” and nearly every cable channel is devoted to the

The highest court reasoned that the party was likely too weak to undermine democracy.

Sometimes when driving past a horrific auto wreck, it’s easier to get distracted by the glittering shards of glass than to focus on the tragic loss of life happening before your eyes.

I wish she had had a gun so she could’ve pulled it out and shot him in the face. LOOK, I’M JUST TELLING THE TRUTH. DON’T LIKE THE TRUTH, DON’T TALK TO ME.

Stroke? You’re too kind. Stroke, only if it means at least 10+ years of impaired motor/brain function that makes this dickface a vegetable that requires full time care.

And in this brave new world you can tell your boss to F off to his face. And call out your slacking colleagues out in the open, that they’re not pulling their weight.

This. I have zero chill for restraint on my part, anymore.

Oh, yeah, Trump is definitely a cubic zirconia.

OH GOD THIS IS HAPPENING -> Get a grip, you need to face reality -> WAIT, I’M NORMALIZING THIS -> Oh god this is really happening...

Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?

Oh no, you don’t want to joke about touching a mans balls! That’s wrong!! (JK, there was a whole long thread like 3 weeks ago where dudes flooded in the comments saying that hitting a mans balls was once of the worst things you could do. It was wild.)

He miscalculated. Obama is still president for five more days.

Or a playful punch to the nutssack.

A million kudos of irony to the white assholes repeatedly proving the point of this article in the comments.