
Because apparently some of y’all got it twisted...

These are the questions that Racist Grandpa™ asks... “why are we spending money THERE when we have problems HERE?” Because I can’t explain global politics to you before you die???

So, that’s where Mimi has been this entire time....

Someone said to me, I guess it was like 18 months ago jeezus, that Trump reminded them of Teddy Roosevelt. I couldn’t get much past my dizzy spell from the cognitive assault, but I did say, “Nooo...”

“What are we getting for all of that money? Why don’t we make them earn it? We could bring them over on boats and have them build our wall and repair our roads.”

And this.

Meanwhile those “real men who love babies”* constantly bitch about child support, too.

My memory of Atkins is my friend bringing sausage, cheese, and mayo to school for lunch and raving about how healthy her meal was. And me being absolutely baffled.

That memory seems like it scarred you a little. I am sorry.

Costume Assistant: “Here, Barney’s lent us these necklaces for you to wear in the scene. Dainty is the trend right now”

Dakota: “hmm the chain is thin and this amethyst is so small, indicative of the sacrifice my character makes as a working mom of two”

“Just give it a chance!”

omg I worked an office job at peak Atkins time and they were all microwaving tuna with mayo and it smelled like dog food all the time. Tuna should never go in a microwave.

Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.

Good. Now can we work on booting Jimmy Fallon for his annoying portrayal of a talk show host?

Excellent. Now let’s start tearing down monuments to Confederate traitors (but I repeat myself), and renaming roads and bridges and such named for them.

Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like

That turned to shit faster than a Skyline 3-Way.

She’s basically doing what a white celebrity in the public eye should, bringing attention to these issues without making it about themselves. I like it.

It only takes 8 women to do what 11,12 or 13 men can.

Not as embarrassing as Trumpanzees though.