
Math is a liberal agenda item.

I went to Slutwalk in 2012 and everyone was like “this is a white woman’s thing,” but I went and randomly hung out with a Muslim Indonesian feminist who I wouldn’t have met otherwise.

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

He’s a gentlemanly racist.

This thought gives me more hope than anything in this “reality”.

Bonus: I bet it really chapped Pence’s ass.

I felt such a sense of relief reading this and couldn’t ascertain the reason.

Well, if I’ve learned anything from movies, you can die because of your nightmares.

That’s slowly turning into a horrible nightmare

wouldn’t that be fantastic?

Isn’t that a movie?

Maybe we’re all inside that autistic kid’s snowglobe from St. Elsewhere. One can hope!

If Hitler had never come into power and the Holocaust never happened, I would not be here. If the Soviets had never created gulags and forced people into them, I would not be here. 

I just want to remind you, young Jared, that everyone at Harvard knows your daddy had to call in favors and donate a couple milli to get your dumb ass in. Everyone. And so do you. Always remember that you’re wholly mediocre except for your silver spoon.

His jailbird father is saying, “See, son, that Harvard education I bought for you is really paying off!”

I was hoping we’d get some of that dynamic in Captain America 3: Cap ‘N Friends Go Searching for Bucky. But alas, it was not to be.

How does this shit show not result in the world exploding? Someone please tell me.

It also assumes that the world is markedly better for your existence in a way that somehow justifies something horrible happening to someone else (or many other people). I’d say that’s true for like .000000001% of the world population. If you didn’t exist, probably everything would be fine. In the case of this guy,


“Thank goodness you were raped, right grandma?” is a thing this guy might have actually said.