
Underrated movie. Not a work of genius, but well-acted and well-shot.

Clarence lives at home with both parents, and Clarence’s parents got a real good marriage...

Indeed. I don’t enjoy Inception because it’s so deep and thought-provoking. Hot dudes and explosions, though? Yes please!

I fully support this idea. It still boggles my mind that they haven’t given us a Black Widow movie yet. ScarJo is the highest grossing actress of all time FFS! Make this happen, Marvel! And we really need more Mackie, I also loved his interactions with Ant-Man.

anthony mackie is the reason why i watch those marvel movies. yes all over and with a side of honey please.

Why hullo thar. Off to see if this is streaming anywhere.

I had never considered watching The Adjustment Bureau until now. Well played.

He’s so handsome and smooth. I love him as Falcon.

I’m just about ready for Hollywood to get over their Hiddleston-Cumberbatch-Redmayne high. There are far more talented and far less pale actors out there that they could be creaming over.

One might say that the Kardashian story has...The French Connection.

It’s over. Go home.

Cheers to Jay for throwing something correctly.

Isla Fisher used Amy Adams’s face on her Christmas cards last year. [The Cut]

FDR didn’t promise to do those things *before* he was elected. Trump did. He literally said he would put muslims into interment camps. People asked him how that was different than japanese americans in WWII and his answer was “You tell me!”....

No, but you don’t understand, you see! Hillary is a corporate shill that abandoned the American people to the status quo and if only she and the DNC saw the blinding, white, male light then the world would be a better place! She didn’t rail hard enough! She wasn’t Elizabeth Warren! She didn’t force the electors hands!

Trump, is human hospital waste. He, and all of his supporters and staff, should be put on a garbage barge, that never reaches port. Seeing that these morons trump voters, are the ones who will hurt the most. This punishment, will be their just desserts.

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

Literally no one worked harder and more directly to prevent “all this Trump bullshit” than Hillary Clinton.

I will NEVER not be heartbroken over this election.

Whenever there is a horrific story like this I’m remember needs of all those little saying people say to comfort others.