I don’t understand it from a purely energy standpoint. It’s like Viola Davis at the end of “The Help” - “Ain’t you tired?”
I don’t understand it from a purely energy standpoint. It’s like Viola Davis at the end of “The Help” - “Ain’t you tired?”
Ha....my Italian-American family will ROUTINELY take credit for Michelangelo, Ferraris, and every other piece of detritus that comes out of Italy, as if they our family wasn’t poor bean-eaters over there.
Of COURSE they’re all white, too. And the one on the right has his wiener out for all to see.
This is spot-on. SPOT FUCKING ON.
“Did you start ‘Luke Cage’ without me?!?”
Steve Chabot, Ohio District 1. His snarky little staffer told me yesterday that he “didn’t know [his] whereabouts.” Turns out Chabot was in Ohio, pressing the flesh with a local business for some sweet photo ops. The only way I can really know what’s going on Stevie’s little rat brain is to read his weekly blog. …
But if a trans kid can’t pee in the bathroom of his or her choice, then the coal mines can open up again! Economic anxiety relieved!
Like Typhoid Mary, only worse.
“Attacking Jewish cemeteries” is the third prong of our Indivisible group’s three-prong approach to unseating 45. It comes right after “be in constant contact with your elected officials” and “vote with your dollars.”
I think being the Zodiac Killer qualifies as a personal problem. That, and eating the weird slime booger he ate on stage during the primaries.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that was bothered by that.
Bowling Swede.
Well, the next time I fly and get stuck beside an old woman with pointy elbows (it’s a thing that almost always happens to me), I’m gonna call the cops, I guess. Because there is no human decency anymore and I’ve always wanted to be an asshole unfettered by politeness and decorum.
YUP. Because when I’m seeking drugs from an ER, I’m aiming for that IV cocktail of blood pressure medicine, anti-inflammatory, and liquid ibuprofen.
C: A brave, brave man who starred in a project that was then viewed by people in the South Sudan. So brave.
I do my triathlon training in the macrame one. The parents at the Y love it when I do flip turns and show everyone my cash and prizes.
My doctor says that I “shouldn’t need to lie down” after I take one, and that the “whole point of triptans” is that you can take them and continue on with your day.
I get 30 for a three-month supply, so I’m in the same boat. I get shit for not taking them (and then the migraine grows and requires E.R. IV intervention), and I get shit for taking them. Rock, hard place.
I ain’t buying it. I did the local Women’s March AND a protest outside our rep’s office and Soros still hasn’t paid me. You aren’t getting me again, George!
It’s what I’ve been told but I refuse to believe it. I HATE taking triptans but they are the only thing that work for me. The side effects are terrible. I think kids would get a better high on literally anything out there - heroin, meth, duster, a Mentos tossed into a Pepsi....