
It is!

That’s sad. It helped a lot of people - the offenders (as someone below pointed out) usually had issues outside of their delinquency that the court helped resolve. The teen lawyers got to practice public speaking and debate, and the teen judge got to practice banging to gavel in a decisive manner.

But if we don’t punish people, how can I feel morally superior?!?

In my county, back in the dark days of the late ‘90's, there was a thing called “Teen Court.” Underage jabrones who got caught doing dumb, non-violent stuff could choose regular family court or Teen Court, which was run entirely by teenagers (but supervised by a judge).

Keith Morrison is the only man I need in my life.

Motoko Kusanagi.....that’s a Scottish name, right?

“Dad, can you tell me how Grampa is? And do you know the combination to the safe? We can’t get it open and need to settle the estate because the lawyer fees are killing us....”

What would happen? I’d barf until my soul leaves my body and floats beyond the bounds of our atmosphere.

No way. I’ll fight these fuckers tooth and nail.

Delaware and Belize. Make believe places where Artless.Dodger LLC is registered.

DeVos is the epitome of this administration and it’s supporters. Disgustingly unqualified, transparent in the hypocrisy of pay-to-play. Everyone in my life who voted for 45 is of the “I got mine, fuck you” camp.” They rewrite their life stories to remove the good luck and handouts they got (my dad, for example, got

Bush 2.0 went to Yale too, I think....

Do you think he uses the “star wipe” transition between slides?

+1 because I laughed, but -1 because I then cried

So essentially, now is the time to join the Satanic Temple and start trolling these laws hard-core, across the country?

I remember my geometry teacher using Denzel’s face to teach us about the Golden Ratio and symmetry, and I 100% am certain it was just to spend a lesson looking at different pictures of his face.

She basically said she was okay with Trump being president because it was time for the world to burn down. I heartily endorse your gif.

This is what Betsy Devos is afraid of!

I feel like you aren’t taking his economic anxiety seriously tho.

I’m in the accounting game, and it’s solid work.