
I used to live in Pittsburgh and work in King of Prussia for a project. That twice a week drive was KILLING ME.

Not unlike my non-bright lab mix.

Kingston lives for a good rawhide, but Apollo is happy just to hump the sofa cushions.

This is terrible. Firstly, never punch a face. A face is all bone, and you’re just going to hurt your own hand. You want to aim for the soft bits for maximum pain (to the punchee) and minimum damage (to the puncher).

Sister, I get stressed when I think about how many amazing books there are in the world and how I don’t have time to read them all. I average around 40 a year, and every time someone turns me onto a new author, I’m like “Dammit! And thank you!”

Apt metaphor is apt.

I hear the coal mines may be hiring again soon!

All of that terrible history, but it was BARACK OBAMA WHO TORE THIS COUNTRY APART WITH RACISM.

I kept thinking I was in a tangent timeline and that it would be collapsed, Donnie Darko-style, before the inauguration.

You know, with all the insanity happening on a national level, and all the fall-out at the local level that I’m seeing, I want to go hoard enough ammo and guns for the coming fall. I’ve lived as an adult under Bush 2.0 and Obama, and I’ve never felt a primal need to arm myself until now.

Lol, I can picture it now. Trump and his team of ass-sucking cronies lined up with some Trump Water (tm) and Trump Steaks (tm) in a ballroom at a Trump Hotel (tm), and the limo from the airport shows up empty.


I’ll ask the guys down at the coal mine (we’re just waiting for it to reopen) if you get a pass.

No. There’s one awesome Matt Walsh, and the other is the polar opposite. Like in “Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” when Link has to fight Dark Link.

The fact that you don’t know this shows that you are unconcerned about the economic anxieties of middle America.

He’s a big fan of Matt Walsh’s ramblings about manly-women and girly-men.

I mean, I didn’t have healthcare when I was a kid, and I turned out just fine! Sure, little Jimmy died from the German measles, and Susan is permanently disabled from polio, but that’s just life!

I’ll always be sad that Carl was taken too soon, but there’s a tiny sliver of myself that is glad he didn’t have to live through this timeline.

North central, so close enough. The vast wastelands of Clearfield, Elk, and Jefferson counties.

You’re absolutely right. I suppose you could replace “books” with “intellectual curiosity.” I would amend my swipe at my uncles to add that they don’t watch “Nova” but do watch “Duck Dynasty,” and they don’t watch movies at all. Their newspaper reading is limited to the local paper’s coverage of the high school