
Or even newspapers or magazines!

I fight the patriarchy by reading historical fiction and Orange Prize winners and finalists!

Your father sounds like my father.

Remember when she worked to get health insurance for children? Ew!

“Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books...”

She was also shrill!

It’s not Pittsburgh or Philly that are backwards. It’s the T in the middle. Once you’re out of range of pop/rock stations and can only get country or evangelical, you know you’re in Pennsyltucky.

The suburb Catholic churches are too busy protesting outside women’s health centers. They can’t be in two places at once!

Yes, and when he did the Superman Club short with his son, Brandon Routh and Dean Cain, I retroactively swooned. 

Tim Daly in a bomber jacket in the sitcom “Wings” was my sexual awakening.

It’s okay, Constance. When you get black-listed from Hollywood for not protecting the predators, you can join forces with Lexi Alexander and start a movement.

She’s gotta keep groveling for the crumbs that the Repub men will hopefully toss her in exchange for betraying her own kind.

Cincinnati-area resident here. Thanks for sharing this porcine bolus.

Economic anxiety tho. It’s all about dem coal mining jobs!

My congressman (Steve Chabot) pointed out that some of the wall will be “virtual.” Kinda like how Tom Hardy is my virtual husband.

When my boss smugly talks about casting her vote for Johnson because we “couldn’t come up with two better candidates,” it takes all of my will power to not leap across the table and deck her.

This is what angers me on a primal level. THIS SHIT ISN’T NEW. IT ISN’T EVEN NEW FOR THIS COUNTRY.

Sorry to chime in, and it probably varies from state to state, but when my mom was killed by a speeding, texting teenager, I was eligible for victim’s compensation. It’s very limited in what you can spend it on - I used it for therapy.

I think I can safely say that I hate him like I’ve never hated a person before. Truly.

She was so shrill tho.