
Nice to see you’re still around.

io9 couldn’t even be bothered to write anything when Gene Wolfe died, so I’m not exactly surprised to see that myopic trend continuing.

While I agree with you, I also agree with what Linda is saying about how io9 now operates. Now that also said, I would expect to see a Gizmodo review of the movie since it absolutely should fall under the broader channel’s subject matter coverage, but Giz doesn’t seem to do any movie reviews outside of io9.

iO9 originated in the spirit of OMNI magazine, but it is not that now, and I think that’s been clear for awhile now. There would be significant overlap with other Gizmodo outlets to cover a straight up science biopic. I also lament the loss of the OMNI vibe but I don’t think it’s worth it bugging the writers over. I

I often think about how we could reliably get 100+ comments on many io9 posts when I see various posts these days languishing with literally single digit numbers of comments even after they’ve been up for days.  But hey, “fewer but better commenters,” right?

This place is utterly dead.

so yall gonna cover oppenheimer or nah?

Hopefully you mean “scare away to other TTRPGs”, or is this some MADD/Dark Dungeons stuff lol?

Welcome to a new wave of litigation. On the one hand, Trump left us with a very big business friendly group of courts for this to be litigated in front of.

This whole thing is very specifically an attempt to end-run around that, and do what it said couldn’t be done, by “de-authorizing” the licence as Linda points out, rather than “revoking it” which is specifically disallowed.

I mean, check out the FAQ WotC had on their own site in 2004, available from

Excellent! Been waiting for this!

The fact that WotC didn’t do this between 2009 and 2014 when Pazio briefly took the market lead away from WotC through the use of OLG content implies that WotC knows doing this is a shaky proposition.”

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is on sale on Steam right now. Get it while you can.

yep, unless Piazo agrees to the new license it’s going to be hard to defend this in court as these types of open licenses do not list an end date for the license specifically “perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive license” which most courts will state means that Paizo and other creators that got to the license prior to

What a scoop!

It should be noted, it’s far from a settled legal issue if WotC can “deauthorize” previous OLGs, and that it will almost certainly be tested in court, especially since it will be a direct manueve against Pazio’s business model. The fact that WotC didn’t do this between 2009 and 2014 when Pazio briefly took the market

Good to see D&D get back to its roots of being run by a complete bag of dicks

They could afford the insurance. The insurance was inappropriately priced.

It sure would have been nice if voters knew this information before the November 8 election. I’m not sure if Democrats were so certain they’d win the race that they didn’t do opposition research or what