Starring to show support for the perfectly lovely dudebra, who has picked up a mentally challenged troll.
Starring to show support for the perfectly lovely dudebra, who has picked up a mentally challenged troll.
I grew up in the town where Randy Voepel was mayor from 2000 - 2016, Santee, CA.
When my parents first moved there in the 1970's, Santee still had incidents of cross burnings going on. The KKK had a headquarters on the far side of town at a place called the Kentucky Stud. When I was attending high school in the early…
welcome out of the greys, but if you think abusive nonsense in comments sections is a thing of the past, I have a bunch of bridges to sell you
Don’t have twitter, and never have so I guess this wont affect me. However i will take this time to say fuck Elon. I used to think he was a person to hold in a decently high regard but it seems like he’s gone full Kanye at this point
You’re only *now* discovering that Kinja can no longer handle working links in the comment section?
This. We need better moderation.
Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.
I honestly don’t know who the slideshows are for. They don’t even display more ads as far as I can see.
God damn that is such a brutally hostile response that I don’t for a second believe you
I know that the writers are basically being forced to use them at this point for the sake of SEO and clicks, but yeesh these indie game list article headlines are cringey. I’m honestly kinda surprised the sub-headline isn’t more along the lines of “The #7 game on this list will blow you away!” or something like on…
It’s been made pretty clear (I believe the source was various twitter posts by writers who left the site) that the slideshows and other changes that users complain about which have come into place since Deadspin melted down, are mandated because the current GMG executives (or at least the Herb).
So I decided to actually check it out and loaded up a slideshow another browser free of any extensions and userscripts since, you know, it’s not 1995 and I’ve been using adblockers for nearly 20 years now lol.
Brief chats with outgoing writers and just poking my nose about. The commenting areas also reflect it too. I don’t have beef with any of the new staff at all, but the site is clearly on a downturn, which is why everyone ran for the hills after they fucked up Deadspin.
It’s probably about the ads. Every new slide on a slideshow loads new ads, so a full click-through is way more ad views than a straight article.
Same here. At first, it seemed like Kotaku would remain Kotaku for the most part. The at length articles, new stuff like Morning Music and so on were very Kotaku, but they went away. The fact that the place is dead as hell after 6-7pm EST Fridays with almost no weekend posts or reasons to visit makes me sad.
I’m not surprised. I barely engage with the comments now, and the quality of the articles has dropped dramatically since the Old Guard all jumped ship.
You have no idea how happy it makes me that this wasn’t a slideshow
Except for the part where a portion of each video is covered by the “previous slide” and “next slide” buttons.