
This website does not spend much time talking about Babylon 5 :-(

It was a pretty dang good adaptation; I’m glad that audiences will get more of it.

One of the best dang shows of this century? Returning? Amazing

There’s some weird commenters on this article but I’d give an award to the worst comment as being the one from

Can you dismiss the comment from Royal Bigness? They are using your thread to spread bullshit.

And while adverse reactions to the vaccine can occur, they’re believed to be extremely rare.

Honestly I’m just glad that this article correctly states that permanent Standard Time is the best solution

Thank you for linking to the role that Gizmodo had in helping make Facebook’s news curation worse.

I shake my head at the multiple conspiracy theorists who posted comments or replies and were engaged with by the Gizmodo community.

Weird Kinja user nordzok2 is using your thread to post nonsense; could you dismiss their reply please? Thanks in advance.

Weird Kinja user HisRoyalBadness is using your thread to post nonsense; could you dismiss their reply please? Thanks in advance.

Weird Kinja user Royal Bigness is using your thread to post nonsense; could you dismiss their reply please? Thanks in advance.

Depp and Bettany texted about Heard, with Depp suggesting they burn her, among other graphic things, while Bettany, apparently taking it as a joke, wrote back and suggested a “drowning test” to determine if “she’s a witch.”

I’m mostly sure that the MCU’s creative team is of the opinion that they did no character assassination of her character. They did but I don’t think they think they did.

It was an interesting time for those of us who were readers of the Gawker Media blogs because the storm took out most of the functionality of the blogs, which at the time were hosted in NYC.

So if one text says

Awesome! It’s been a fantastic book series so far so I look forward to more of it :-)

the brightest minds of io9

(which I did not notice when I originally watched).