
it’s a depressing reality that he only looks good in comparison to his opponent

Thank you for the brief but unfortunately necessary article.


We will have to do more research into this mAtter

I once read Chuck Norris’s autobiography Against All Odds: My Story and it was a fascinating tale because you’re more than halfway through the book (since it’s mostly chronological) when he mentions that he has a daughter from a time that he cheated on his first wife who was also the mother of his very young first

Should comments end in punctuation?

No I was just talking about how the POTUS general election works. Doesn’t matter who “a plurality of at most 30% of the electorate” chooses (ask Clinton-Kaine 2016).

Joe Biden: if he can convince 270 electors to vote for him, then at least one branch of the US federal government will be less broken

It’s unfortunate for America the Democrats that the Democrats’ir Great (White!) Hope against Donald Trump does best when he is nowhere to be found

I’ve seen similarly “provocative” Facebook statuses from campaigns still running. Right-wing campaigns are based on feeding red meat to their potential voters. That includes punching down of people who Republicans have identified as the enemy.

Hey, remember that wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that President Trump is so obsessed with? Well, a construction firm landed a $1.3 billion contract to build the accursed thing.

I’d say that his employment brings the quality of CNN down but they stopped caring about quality a looooong time ago.

I regret to inform you that Chris Cillizza remains employed.

Hi, sorry, this troll is on the comments on this article begging for a banning.

This is a good nostalgia review of a good movie. Well done.

::reacts poorly to that mental image::

1 My apologies about the troll commenter giving you a response

California will choose a candidate to fill Katie Hill’s House seat. [KTLA 5]

I am so sorry that comment moderation at Jezebel is not up to the task of getting rid of the piles of hate speech occurring on this article.