
Side note - perhaps you guys could use your platform to start highlighting some Democratic Senate challengers?

Fight the system! Get blocked by all the corporates.

(she blocked me ages ago)

Any time that I want to illustrate how contrarian my voting habits are, I point to how I voted for John Edwards in the 2008 California primary. Said primary was on February 5th which was after he had already suspended his campaign, but I didn’t want to vote for Clinton or Obama, who both struck me as too focused on

Any and all arguments about minor party candidates affecting an election are impossible to truly test (e.g. we can’t run the election 1000 times and see what happens) but in the case of the 2016 POTUS election it seems like the Johnson campaign had a larger effect on the number of elections Trump won than the Stein

comment of the day

Today I learned that a US Senator’s only way of dealing with an out-of-control POTUS is to ... unfollow them on a social media website. Fascinating.

Hi Lifehacker staff! Articles like this are helpful but moderating their comments is a very good idea.

I actually would not be at all surprised if CATS was Splinter’s “movie of the year”. Wait is the film’s title actually CATS, all caps? Oh whew it’s just Cats. That’s less spectacular.

This is good Kinja

I approve of how you brought this up and I do not approve on how few people seem to want to talk about the elephant in the room.

This is a good comment on a bad article.

I’m kind of surprised (in the good way) that Splinter acknowledged this politics story that is only tangentially related to the US. Way to go, website that is not just read by US residents!

Awesome I got to dismiss a comment. Happy Independence Day, everyone.

Hi. Wow. This article’s comments are in serious need of comment moderation.

Whoa that is an unfortunate definition of the acronym.

Dang it’s early but #cotd already.

Step 1 I get a weird comment reading:

I think a lot of Democrats and ... almost all Republicans?* just want to believe that the CBP is a trustworthy law enforcement agency who can be trusted to solve “the border crisis” if they are given enough manpower/funding/whatever. I hoped that that veneer of legitimacy was going to go away as soon as members of the

I have to upvote comments like this because they encourage something more productive than slacktivism.